Eldra efni



25.04.2013 22:11

First day of summer...

... and it was snowing like hell when I had a look out of the window in the morning. Well, there is an old sayer in Iceland, promising a very good summer, when winter and summer freeze together. That'd better be true! We really deserve a good summer after this long winter.
As it was a holiday today, we used it to help Bensi branding the one year old sheep. Most sheep in Iceland are marked in 3 ways: the eartag, earmarkings and branding on the horns. Bensi marks his sheep with his initials on the right horn and the areacode on the left one. It's rather a smelly business, so good when it's over. Today we marked around 70 sheep and dewormed Bensi's whole herd. I took some pics and my sheep Snilld was begging for treats, which she of course got. Funny to see how she's always registering and watching everything going on.
Gleðilegt sumar!

When branding Snilld's sister...

... and Snilld...

... it's better to have the irons hot!

Got some treats???

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Tölur uppfærðar: 6.5.2024 12:11:21