Eldra efni



01.03.2009 15:48

Foalshow in Saltvík

After long discussions we finally managed to organise a foal and young stallion show in Saltvík.
The weather was great, 27 foals and 8 young stallions were signed into the show. Of course Farsæll had to be shown too emoticon
Around 100 people were visiting Saltvík, enjoying the show, coffe and cakes. Sometimes it was nearly impossible to get through in the stable...

The marefoals were first to be shown. 6 of 15 mares were daughters of Geisli frá Sælukoti, so it was not a too big surprise that there were 2 of them in the best 3.
1.  Ygla frá Litlu-Reykjum (F: Geisli, Sælukoti, M: Stikla, Hellulandi)
2. Kreppa frá Miklagarðshestum (F: Frami, Ánastöðum, M: Elding, Einifelli)
3. Kolbrá frá Jaðri (F: Geisli, Sælukoti, M: Irpa, Jaðri)
4.+5. Hamradís frá Garði (F: Bláskeggur, Hrafnkellstöðum, M: Esja, Syðri-Ey)
Katla frá Stóru-Laugum (F: Hamar, Stóru-Laugum, M. Kría,Hamrafossi)

Then the 12 stallionfoals had their big moment. 2 of the best 3 were sons of Vökull frá Bergsstöðum, a young promising grey stallion, which won the foalshow a few years ago.

1.  Kraftur frá Litlu-Reykjum (F: Vökull, Bergsstöðum, M: Kvika, Hjaltastöðum)
2. Þengill frá Stóru-Laugum (F: Markús, Langholtsparti, M: Glíma, Árbakka)
3. Galdur frá Heiðargerði (F: Vökull, Bergsstöðum, M: Þula, Ysta-Hvammi)
4.+5. Veigur frá Bjarnastöðum (F: Jakob, Árbæ, M: Keila, Bjarnastöðum)
Búi frá Húsavík (F: Hróður, Refsstöðum, M: Dúsa, Húsavík)

The young stallions were shown one by one and Djákni frá Hellulandi
(F: Hágangur, Narfastöðum, M: Myrká, Hellulandi) showed himself especially well with a lot of energy and high movements.

Flettingar í dag: 978
Gestir í dag: 77
Flettingar í gær: 1218
Gestir í gær: 65
Samtals flettingar: 801342
Samtals gestir: 59580
Tölur uppfærðar: 23.2.2025 21:07:50