Eldra efni



23.05.2009 09:11

List and Óríon

Time is flying when you have something interesting and funny to do! And it is indeed funny and interesting to work with List and Óríon, the two young horses we have in training.
As they are both eager and quick to learn we have started to go for longer rides with them to build up muscels and get them in good shape. 
Ingólfur and Óríon were brave and went out without a "safety line", which means I didn't take Óríon as a handhorse the first time he went for an outside trip. It went very well and we started to go for a bigger circle yesterday.
List and I were not that brave, we decided to be on the "safety line" first. List behaved just fine on the first trip. She is listening well and tries to do what I ask her to. Yesterday we went again and short before we came home, we took the "safety line" off and followed Ingólfur and Hugsun home.
As you can imagine, we are really happy that everything is going well with the youngsters and that they interested and seem to enjoy work.
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Tölur uppfærðar: 23.2.2025 20:46:46