Eldra efni



26.02.2011 11:48

Visit in Holmavað

In the morning we went to Holmavað to help Bensi and Ella to muck out the stable of the 1year old sheep. The thick layer of shit was cut into pieces with a spade and then stapled on a pallet to dry outside. Later this will be teared into pieces and used to smoke salmon and lamb. In my opinion, this method is giving the tastiest results ;-)
Kátur, Bjarni´s and Elsa´s dachshound, which is our guest at the moment, went of course with us and had a busy day in the countryside. So much to see, smell and do! Mirra and Pollý were playing with him, he used the chance to bark at the sheep, eat something I don´t wanna know what it was (didn´t look good) and roll over in a lot of smelly things (fortunately he rolled over in some nicesmelling hay too).
Mysa, our sheep, seems to be a colourchanger! She was nearly white in spring when she went to the mountains, came back grey and is changeing now again to white. Interesting to watch all these changes. We hope she´ll get some healthy lambs in spring and maybe one will inherit her colourchangeing!

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Tölur uppfærðar: 23.2.2025 20:46:46