Eldra efni



12.08.2012 07:46


The annual competition of the ridingclub Þjálfi was this weekend and Ingólfur decided to take part with Negla. There were around 200 competers all in all, some taking part with 4 or more horses.
Ingólfur and Negla took part in Gæðingakeppni B-Flokkur (Icelandic Fourgait) and Tölt. I decided not to take part on horseback but to help around and was therefore assistant of one of the judges. As this judge has just the test for Gæðingakeppni but not for Sportstests like Tölt, I had a break then and could take pictures. It was very interesting for me to see and listen what he was saying, get a bit different point of view. Think it's a bit difficult to see everything that is happening in the track, especially in the finals when there are up to 8 horses in at the same time.

Things went quite well for Ingólfur and Negla, they got 8,34 in B-Flokkur, which was 0,01 too little to go to the B-finals. Pitty that didn't work!
Tölt went well too, but we were quite surprised to get the marks as they were very low for what he showed. Specially one judge was very much lower than the others. At the same time there was an other participant that was on gallop for more than just a few meters, but all 3 judges didn't see it and so he got very high marks and went straigth to the A-finals. Maybe judges should draw a better line between the Icelandic Gæðingakeppni, where it is enough to get a whole longside in each gait to get full marks and the Sportscompetition, where the whole thing (short sides of the track too!) has to be good to get good marks. Think this was maybe a bit the problem.

Negla went home on Saturday, she's supposed to take part in Firmakeppni with Kiddi after 2 weeks. Hope this will go as well as last year.

Sunday Ingólfur was a viewer and I was still assistant to the judge. The day started with the B-finals in A-Flokkur, B-Flokkur and Tölt. Then there was a very long lunchbreak (too long for my taste) and so were the finals in Kids, Youth (there we had to stop a horse running crazy) and Young Rider class followed by Senior class. Last but not least A-finals in A, B and Tölt.

When this was over, we grabbed Kiddi's car and horsetrailer and started our trip tp Skagafjörður to fetch Myrká, Lukka and last but not least Vordís and Þyrnirós. Myrká and Lukka were in Dyrfinnustaðir where they had been with Hágangur frá Narfastöðum. Both mares are in foal, which is big luck for Kiddi, both of them being really good breedingmares, but had difficulties the last year to get pregnant. Vordís was first with Þórálfur frá Prestbæ, but was empty when sonared, so we decided to put her with his big brother Þeyr frá Prestbæ, which seems to have worked. When we got to Saurbæ to get her, it was just her, Þeyr and Þyrnirós on a very big field. Of course she had to show herself a bit, not being fond of being caught. Þeyr was much more interested in the breadbag I carried than in Vordís running around. Finally we got her and Ingólfur held the stallion while I walked mother and daughter out off the field. I was surprised how polite and gentle Þeyr was, not making any trouble when we had enough to do to catch Vordís. Looks like he has a character of gold.
As we arrived very late in Helluland, we just kept the mares in the stable over night.
It was a busy weekend, but I think worth it!

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