Eldra efni



03.12.2012 22:07

Time's flying...

... already December, where did November vanish to?
Hm, think we just had so much to do! The horsetraining went very well, Sigga's Hringur was the first one to get our OK to go home, he learned to be longed, walk with his trainer by his side and bear a rider on his back. When he had achieved all this, it was time for him to get a good break and think about all he has learned.
The others stayed a bit longer, we are planning to send them home on Wednesday. Our own horses will get a break too and enjoy their Christmasholiday with the others in the herd. Svartur, Sleipnir, Drotting and the black mare have learned to be longed, got a basic training on the bit, know how to go forward, stop and turn, go faster and slower. That's quite enough for them at the moment and I think they're going to enjoy their break, too. I especially like Drottning, she looks very promising, having all the points to get a good riding- and breedinghorse. Hope she's gonna get as good as her brother Kyndill was!
Kátína was doing very well. She seems to be a very secure and trustworthy horse, not impressed by other youngsters behaving stupid while we are working together. She's equally tölting and trotting with the rider and I'm looking forward to train her more later this winter. Think I'll have to work a bit on her upperline, build up a bit more muscels there, but we are on a good way.
Flugar and Blöndal, the horses that came from the East, are doing well, Bjössi riding his Blöndal already free inside, Flugar behaving a bit like a huge dog, following me everywhere. 
Well, think a break will all of us do some good, so we'll be fresh again, when we take the ridinghorses inside around New Year. 
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Tölur uppfærðar: 7.3.2025 03:29:03