Eldra efni



27.01.2014 22:04

So proud...

...of our traininghorses! All of them are making big steps forward and it's so much fun to work with them and see how proud they are when they do something right. Aldís and Kátína being the more experienced of the group have to serve as leadinghorse, teaching the less experienced how to be a brave ridinghorse.
We have been preparing Flugar and Venus the last days inside, riding free and allowing them to follow Aldís or Kátína in the ridinghall. That went well and so we were waiting for our third man Bjössi to have time and join us for an outsideride. 
Today we got the opportunity to do that and went for 2 short rides, first with Kátína, Aldís and Venus and afterwards with Flugar instead of Venus. It was already getting dark when we started for the first round (we weren't crossing any roads) so we put some reflecting gear on, just in case we met a car on our way. In the start we had the less experienced horse on a long security line, but let them go the last part to the stable. Things went very well and  I'm so proud of the bunch of trainingshorses we have inside at the moment. Think they have to be rather courageous to go out in the dark with these strange humans on their backs.
I attach some pics from yesterday when we let them go in the bigger field.

Soooo good to roll over in the snow

Hard to believe they are the same breed!

Careful! Slippery!

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Tölur uppfærðar: 23.2.2025 21:49:57