Eldra efni



27.07.2014 22:59

A day off

Whilst Ingólfur took care of our hey, I enjoyed some time off.
First I went to the forrest to pick some king bolete and got about 4kg in no time. Afterwards I visited the horses and spent quite some time there. My goal was to finally get to touch Fönix. I knew he was very nosy and especially interested in my camera. First it was a bit difficult to get close to him as the other horses were of course interested in me and closed in on me. But when they realized I had no bread with me, they more or less left me alone and Fönix got a chance to have a look. He was a bit shy and not so keen to be touched in the beginning, but when he found out, it's actually very nice to be scratched, it was hard to get rid of him again.

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