Eldra efni



20.10.2015 16:48


Nökkvi and Prímus moved in at the stables today as it is time to continue their education. Alltogether there are 5 trainingshorses at the moment and we are waiting for 2 more from Kiddi.
Nökkvi just needs a small update and more experience with the rider, then he'll be ready for trailrides. Sæla and Prímus were already started last year and are at approximately the same point of education as Vordís and Mánahringur are now.
So nice to work with these youngsters.
When we put them all together, Vordís had to check out the newcomers and tell them, who's the boss. Well, it just took a moment and then she knew, that Prímus is the number one.
Afterwards we visited the mares and foals. They were having a good time and came when they heard the promising sound of the bag with bread. Snerpa and her brother are just like glued together and both following List.
Fönix is growing well and seems to like being around his mum again.

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Tölur uppfærðar: 23.2.2025 20:46:46