Eldra efni



13.02.2018 10:03

Worktrip to Sweden

Finally back home again after a 1 week worktrip to Sweden, where my colleagues from the CRISTAL Project and me checked out a few very interesting educational places and kept working on the toolbox, which is one of the outcomes of this project and is supposed to help teachers in rural areas to get to know and use open source software, encouraging technical education, boosting and training engineering habits of mind.  
CRISTAL is short for Creative Regions for Innovation, Skills, Technology, Accessibility and Learning. 
I was very impressed by the
ABB Industriegymnasium and the way young people are taught and encouraged to work in teams. Each and every student has his own desk in what looks like an open space office, which is their homebase before going to classes. They have their own computer there with all the necessary software and work a full workday til 4 o'clock. There are a lot of projects and students in 2nd grade have to found a company, develop a product and sell it. 2 groups made a presentation for us, which was very interesting and good to witness so much passion in young people. I'd love to have the same possibilities, but that school definitely has no trouble getting money to stay up to date.
Another impressive visit was at
Tom Tits Experiment, an experimental museum, where you are encouraged to touch and try. Only thing forbidden is to have your hands in your pockets. I'd like to see more exhibits like that as they offer you a very different approach to things.
We stopped at
Expectrum and got a guided tour there, too. There are many different kinds of offices and facilities there, which you can rent for shorter or longer periods. The building itself is very open, a lot of glass walls and open offices. And there is a big makerspace, where they offer schools to come, try out, build and create. We'd loved to try out everything there, but unfortunately there wasn't enough time to do so.
Last but not least we went to the
Retuna mall where old stuff is recycled, changed, repaired and sold again. There is an educational centre, too, where locals learn what to do with stuff others don't want anymore. Very inspiring visit!
Like last year we got stuck on our way home and had to spend an extra night at the airporthotel.




















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