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Færslur: 2011 Febrúar
26.02.2011 11:48
Visit in Holmavað
In the morning we went to Holmavað to help Bensi and Ella to muck out the stable of the 1year old sheep. The thick layer of shit was cut into pieces with a spade and then stapled on a pallet to dry outside. Later this will be teared into pieces and used to smoke salmon and lamb. In my opinion, this method is giving the tastiest results ;-)
Kátur, Bjarni´s and Elsa´s dachshound, which is our guest at the moment, went of course with us and had a busy day in the countryside. So much to see, smell and do! Mirra and Pollý were playing with him, he used the chance to bark at the sheep, eat something I don´t wanna know what it was (didn´t look good) and roll over in a lot of smelly things (fortunately he rolled over in some nicesmelling hay too).
Mysa, our sheep, seems to be a colourchanger! She was nearly white in spring when she went to the mountains, came back grey and is changeing now again to white. Interesting to watch all these changes. We hope she´ll get some healthy lambs in spring and maybe one will inherit her colourchangeing!
25.02.2011 11:38
Tína and Sigga have started together and it is a pleasure to see them work together inside. The next step will be to take them for an outside ride, of course with a safetyline.
Skömm is learning how to interprete the bit and reins, Áli and Farsæll are a bit further.
Áli will soon go back to Kiddi, but first he has to refresh everything he has learned so far.
Farsæll is calm and takes everything well and easy. Ingólfur led us a few times both on walk and trott, last time we tried a few rounds alone on walk. That went well and we are looking forward to the next trainingsessions. Most important for us is, not to ask too much at once from the young horses. They have to have time to understand what you want. Then they´ll be positive about the human and learning.
22.02.2011 11:24
We used our 2 days winterbreak in school to drive List and Magnús to Kiddi in Helluland and ride with him. Both horses really enjoyed to change the environment a bit and were very willing and forward through the rides.
It was a pleasure to watch Ingólfur and Magnús both on tölt and trott. A true Gæðingur I´d call Magnús. He reminds me very much of his father Geisli!
Sigurjóna and Fanney were so kind to allow us to use their horses, so we could go for a ride on ice with Kiddi. That was partly spooky as it was quite warm the days before and the ice had melted on the surface, but frozen again during night. So there was just a thin layer of ice on top, then water and then thick ice underneath. The horses were breaking the think layer with every step, not really giving us a secure feeling. They actually didn´t mind ;-)
On the way home the brothers Móli (in ownership of Fanney) and Svörður (Sigurjóna´s horse) showed that they are not old at all and competed who´d be the fastest on tölt.
It was a nice stay and we will be back to go for another ride soon!
19.02.2011 11:12
Þorramót in Saltvík
The kids had to show 6 length and could choose how they show their horse. Dagny Anna and Dimma chose tölt and a bit of trott, Iðunn and Mína showed both tölt and trott, Berta and Síla showed that even very young riders have fun to compete and Vignir and Emil showed that young horses and young riders can match very well.
All the kids got a small reward for taking part.
The grown-ups had 6 lenght too, but had to show slow tölt, trott and fast tölt or pace.
It was nice to watch experienced riders and riders competing for the first time together. Everybody enjoying themselves and having fun together.
Einar Viðir won the grown ups, followed by Gisli, Maria Marta, Svanhildur and Einar.
13.02.2011 07:29
Foalshow in Saltvík
Yesterday the annual foalshow of the local Horsebreederassociation took place in Saltvík. Fridayafternoon everything was prepared, a showring built, programs printed and the "coffehouse" set up.
As Sigtýr and Embla were supposed to take part in it, we walked them and their mothers up to the stable. Both enjoyed to run over the big field, leaving their mums a bit worried ;-)
Around 30 foals took part, the Saltvíkstable was filling up with young horses and the ridinghall with visitors.
Sigtýr showed himself very well, showing all gaits including natural, flowing tölt with good movements. He came to the second round and was put in place 4-6, which was actually better than we expected.
Embla was tölting very much, but that´s not necessarily what the judges want to see ;-)
There were a lot of really good foals, showing especially good trott with wide and high movements, some of them tölting and pacing too.
The stallionfoals in places 1.-3. (not in the right row) were Hjörtur frá Húsavík, Bessi frá Húsavík and Hlynur frá Viðivöllum, the first 3 marefoals Óskhyggja frá Húsavík, Draumadís frá Garði (she was chosen most beautiful foal too) and a brown daughter of Kappi frá Kommu.
Farsæll got a chance to show himself too and ran a few rings, both in trott and gallopp.
It was a really nice afternoon and I attach a few pics of our horses. The others will follow soon as a picturealbum.
05.02.2011 12:12
Life in Saltvík
Kiddi, owner of Askur, Áli and Negla, used the chance to take Djákni, his young stallion, with him and go for a ride with Ingólfur and Negla to show him a bit more of the world as he said ;-)
But these 2 were not the only ones to go for a ride! Bjössi and his daughter saddled their horses and enjoyed a fast ride.
There are now around 30 active riders in Saltvík and the number is growing as ridingschool will start soon.
We took List and Magnús inside and Askur went back home to Helluland. Áli will stay another week and then go back. We are gonna miss Askur.
Djákni frá Hellulandi
04.02.2011 11:43
Finishing "Elementary School"
Askur is doing so well that Ingólfur can already ride him alone on walk and trott/tölt in the ridinghall. He is eager to please his rider and we are really happy how he developed.
Áli needed a bit longer but Ingólfur started to ride him on walk inside the ridinghall and that just worked fine. He made a big step forward the last 3 days and I think he´ll be as easygoing as Askur after another week of training.
Farsæll is doing fine too. I already went on back and Ingólfur led us a few circles inside. Funny feeling to be the first time on back and he definitely feels bigger than he is looking ;-)
We used the wonderful weather and took a few pics of the boys outside.
Askur frá Hellulandi
Áli frá Hellulandi
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