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Færslur: 2011 Apríl
30.04.2011 11:22
The weather has been great the last weeks here in the North, springtemperatures, sunshine... Perfect! Best to use it for a good ridingtour with nice company in different surroundings. We had to bring back Sindri anyway and so we planned to ride to Gunnar Óli in Sandur.
Saltvík North and Saltvík South filled 5 horsetrailers and went to the parkinglot at the beginning of the road to Sandur. We were alltogether 11, 10 grown-ups and Hrund, daughter of Bensi, who joined us for this tour and had a lot of fun.
First we went the old road, Túmi and Kátur in front all the time, chasing geese and making Ptarmigans fly. Amazing in how big numbers geese are already looking for nestingplaces in the lava, some of them already laying eggs. Short before we hit the new road we met Gunnar Óli and Christiane, riding home to Sandur all together. The horses were in good mood, very willing and having fun in the group.
After a good coffeebreak with cake and Kleinur, Gunnar Óli showed us a small trail through the lava and swamps down to the banks of Skálfjandflót where we found very good riding tracks. We followed them up to Hraunkót and from there on the new road back to the parkinglot. There was one or another pacerun, Andakt and Laufey far in front
When we finished this trip was called "Ridingtour of the Year" as it was the best so far but it won't be the last one and I hope there will be many "Ridingtours of the Year" in this nice group!
Saltvík North and Saltvík South filled 5 horsetrailers and went to the parkinglot at the beginning of the road to Sandur. We were alltogether 11, 10 grown-ups and Hrund, daughter of Bensi, who joined us for this tour and had a lot of fun.
First we went the old road, Túmi and Kátur in front all the time, chasing geese and making Ptarmigans fly. Amazing in how big numbers geese are already looking for nestingplaces in the lava, some of them already laying eggs. Short before we hit the new road we met Gunnar Óli and Christiane, riding home to Sandur all together. The horses were in good mood, very willing and having fun in the group.
After a good coffeebreak with cake and Kleinur, Gunnar Óli showed us a small trail through the lava and swamps down to the banks of Skálfjandflót where we found very good riding tracks. We followed them up to Hraunkót and from there on the new road back to the parkinglot. There was one or another pacerun, Andakt and Laufey far in front
When we finished this trip was called "Ridingtour of the Year" as it was the best so far but it won't be the last one and I hope there will be many "Ridingtours of the Year" in this nice group!
25.04.2011 10:24
Páskamót in Saltvík
As it was so much fun last year, we had another Eastercompetition in Saltvík yesterday. Everybody who wanted could join, we even had 2 guests from Traðagerði, the other stablearea in Húsavík.
First the kids showed how much balance they already have and that they are not afraid to go faster than walk. The older girls had to show different gaits and then go a few rounds all three together in a line. In ladies' class the speaker was not sure what to let us do, he just said: "frjáls aðferð" which means you can show whatever you want *g* The range was from slow to faster tölt, trott from slow to fast and even a bit of gallopp. Then we were supposed to ride in pairs and do some figureriding. Last but not least there were the gentlemen. 2 groups, 3 riders in each. Here a lot of different things were showed, tölt, trott, gallopp, tölt without hands and tölt with a glass of water in one hand.
As you can see on the pics we had a lot of fun, good coffee and a really nice afternoon altogether!
First the kids showed how much balance they already have and that they are not afraid to go faster than walk. The older girls had to show different gaits and then go a few rounds all three together in a line. In ladies' class the speaker was not sure what to let us do, he just said: "frjáls aðferð" which means you can show whatever you want *g* The range was from slow to faster tölt, trott from slow to fast and even a bit of gallopp. Then we were supposed to ride in pairs and do some figureriding. Last but not least there were the gentlemen. 2 groups, 3 riders in each. Here a lot of different things were showed, tölt, trott, gallopp, tölt without hands and tölt with a glass of water in one hand.
As you can see on the pics we had a lot of fun, good coffee and a really nice afternoon altogether!
24.04.2011 10:40
Hjördís was getting a few visitors the last days, that wanted to try horsebackriding a bit. Anja, her stepsister, a friend of the family and Helgi with his daughters came to Saltvík, combed and saddled calm horses and were allowed to try inside. Hjördís went on Ögn, rode first alone and was then ready to lead the other girls when they were on Ögn.
Vally tried his new ridingtrousers and shoes and went on Mánadís.
Kátur, the dachshound, had to have a closer look an what was going on and of course he had to try and get some "hestanammi".
Vally tried his new ridingtrousers and shoes and went on Mánadís.
Kátur, the dachshound, had to have a closer look an what was going on and of course he had to try and get some "hestanammi".
21.04.2011 10:01
Eastervisit in the East
Easterholiday, the perfect opportunity to make a visit you have promised for a long time!
We got ourselves ready and drove east to visit Pétur and Marietta in Finnstaðaholt, their new place. Ingólfur baked a huge cake and named it "Magnús" as we wanted to celebrate how well things are going with him. Pétur was happy to see "Magnús" and was really willing to share a piece of him (in fact he was cutting huge pieces...). When we went back on Thursdaymorning, there was not much left of him!
Wednesday we helped a bit clipping hooves and mucking out, having good and interesting talks inbetween. The dogs had fun playing, Jaki pretending to be a big hunter, chasing away the herd of reindeer that came on the meadow on the other side of the road. I would have liked to watch them a bit...
Well, now it is time for them to come and visit us!
Before I forget... they have a homepage now, at the moment still just in Icelandic, but maybe worth a look
We got ourselves ready and drove east to visit Pétur and Marietta in Finnstaðaholt, their new place. Ingólfur baked a huge cake and named it "Magnús" as we wanted to celebrate how well things are going with him. Pétur was happy to see "Magnús" and was really willing to share a piece of him (in fact he was cutting huge pieces...). When we went back on Thursdaymorning, there was not much left of him!
Wednesday we helped a bit clipping hooves and mucking out, having good and interesting talks inbetween. The dogs had fun playing, Jaki pretending to be a big hunter, chasing away the herd of reindeer that came on the meadow on the other side of the road. I would have liked to watch them a bit...
Well, now it is time for them to come and visit us!
Before I forget... they have a homepage now, at the moment still just in Icelandic, but maybe worth a look
17.04.2011 08:55
Sunday, sunday...
...what a beautiful day! The weather was perfect, the air soft and with a promise of spring, the birds singing their song, the horses in good mood, so what should we do?
Our friend Tómmi had a really good idea to break the daily routine for us and the horses. We put them into two trailers and went to Sandur, a quiet road close to Húsavík. We, that were: Tómmi, his daughters Thelma and Sigrún, Dagný Anna, the two of us and, last but not least, Hjördís, who started to ride quite a lot since she moved back to Húsavík and is taking one big step after the other.
When we arrived at the parkingplace, we made the horses ready (it was 5 black horses - Magnús, Ólmur, Greifi, Dimma and Kría, 1 red horse - Ögn and 1 reddun - List) and then decided which way to go. First we were thinking about riding the gravelroad to Hraunkót, but then we changed the plan and took the old road, which lies like an enchanted way through a lavafield and a birchforest. You could literally smell the spring in the air!
After going over small leftover snowfields we had a good ride on the soft track. The horses willing and thinking forward, having fun in the new surroundings, showing themselves at their best.
We took a break halfway and then went back over the gravelroad. Hjördís took her first steps in learning how to let Ögn tölt, which went fine and you could see how proud she was when she managed to do it right.
Magnús did fine, eventhough he was not so sure about Ögn as a handhorse at first. He was dancing a bit in the beginning, but always obeying Ingólfur and trying to do everything right. What a horse!
List was in good mood, a bit like a bomb in the start, but getting light on the reins after a few meters and then she was getting better and better. Tölt from slow up to good middle speed, fast trott and a bit pace *g* On the way back I went off and led her the rest to the trailer as she did a really good job and had earned herself a break.
It was a perfect Sundayafternoonride, one and a half hour of fun and joy, everybody enjoying themselves.
Our friend Tómmi had a really good idea to break the daily routine for us and the horses. We put them into two trailers and went to Sandur, a quiet road close to Húsavík. We, that were: Tómmi, his daughters Thelma and Sigrún, Dagný Anna, the two of us and, last but not least, Hjördís, who started to ride quite a lot since she moved back to Húsavík and is taking one big step after the other.
When we arrived at the parkingplace, we made the horses ready (it was 5 black horses - Magnús, Ólmur, Greifi, Dimma and Kría, 1 red horse - Ögn and 1 reddun - List) and then decided which way to go. First we were thinking about riding the gravelroad to Hraunkót, but then we changed the plan and took the old road, which lies like an enchanted way through a lavafield and a birchforest. You could literally smell the spring in the air!
After going over small leftover snowfields we had a good ride on the soft track. The horses willing and thinking forward, having fun in the new surroundings, showing themselves at their best.
We took a break halfway and then went back over the gravelroad. Hjördís took her first steps in learning how to let Ögn tölt, which went fine and you could see how proud she was when she managed to do it right.
Magnús did fine, eventhough he was not so sure about Ögn as a handhorse at first. He was dancing a bit in the beginning, but always obeying Ingólfur and trying to do everything right. What a horse!
List was in good mood, a bit like a bomb in the start, but getting light on the reins after a few meters and then she was getting better and better. Tölt from slow up to good middle speed, fast trott and a bit pace *g* On the way back I went off and led her the rest to the trailer as she did a really good job and had earned herself a break.
It was a perfect Sundayafternoonride, one and a half hour of fun and joy, everybody enjoying themselves.
16.04.2011 09:43
News from the patients
As we blogged 2 weeks ago, Vigri and Embla are inside due to injuries. Vigri's foot is looking so much better that he is allowed to go home and be outside in the herd again. We are really happy that he recovered so fast from this wound and that everything is growing together so well.
Embla is halfway through her 4 weeks stay in the stable. She is busy making everybody clap and feed her
Allover she is in good mood, sometimes getting bored by staying all the time inside, but that's something she has to go through. We are trying to support her recovery with highdosed mineralfood, which will do her good and give all the minerals she'll need to grow the broken bone together. We cannot see any sign of lameness at the moment. Let's hope the best for a full recovery of Embla!
Embla is halfway through her 4 weeks stay in the stable. She is busy making everybody clap and feed her
12.04.2011 09:11
Magnús frá Höskulsstöðum, son of Perla and Geisli frá Sælukoti, brother of Sigtýr and Bensi's Katla, has been with us since autumn and came into the stable a few weeks ago. He is charming everybody there, being described as the politest horse in the stable, waiting for his food, never rude and so on. Well, he is that and so much more! He and Ingólfur are starting to be a team, understanding each other better and better. I took some pics of the result of this teamwork and put them in an album here.
11.04.2011 09:11
Nökkvi II
Well, Nökkvi has been with Perla the last week, so we thought it would be time to move these two and let them meet the herd. Unfortunately, Nökkvi had bonded more with Gisli's gray mare than Perla and was not willing to follow her through the gate. Close to giving up we finally got an idea how it could work and it did! Nökkvi followed Perla to the other fence and was welcomed there by a big group of nosy horses. I wouldn't call it a "warm welcome"... Think all the attention was too much for this little fellow and he decided to run from them. Everybody (except Gisli's Litla-Vaka) followed him and we were surprised how fit these foalmares are.
There are some pictures in a new album.
02.04.2011 00:52
With all the things going on here, I forgot to mention yesterday, that Nökkvi, our foal from Eyjafjörður, arrived too. We were both really eager to see him as we just had seen pics of him as a very young foal. Today we took the first pics of him and hope to get a few better shots the next days.
Nökkvi is quite big with lots of mane and tail and not shy towards the other foals. He shows good movements and takes big steps when showing the others what a tough guy he is ;-)
At the moment he is in a smaller fence to get to know Perla a bit better but will soon move to the big 3,5 ha meadow where he'll get to know Sigtýr and the others. We are looking forward to see these 2 fellows playing!
Nökkvi is quite big with lots of mane and tail and not shy towards the other foals. He shows good movements and takes big steps when showing the others what a tough guy he is ;-)
At the moment he is in a smaller fence to get to know Perla a bit better but will soon move to the big 3,5 ha meadow where he'll get to know Sigtýr and the others. We are looking forward to see these 2 fellows playing!
01.04.2011 00:29
Bad news
Monday we had to get Vigri, son of Vaka and Vökull, and bring him to the animalhospital in Húsavík as he injured his leg stepping into a hole (at least we think so). He got quite a big wound, but didn't hurt anything important in his leg. He was put in a hospitalbox in Saltvík and has to stay there at least for the next 2 weeks.
We thought it would be the one and only ambulancetransport. Well, we got a phonecall on Thursdaymorning, that one of the young horses in the fence next to the road was lame, just walking on 3 legs. Tommi had a closer look for us and unfortunately it was Embla.
When we came to check her out, she could barely walk, hopping on 3 legs when she wanted to go faster. We saw that she could use the leg and stand on it, but walking was difficult. Vignir the vet had a look at her and recommended to take X-rays as such a lamness is usually cause by a fraction of the bone. Not so good news for us and we were really upset and in sorrow about Embla.
Friday morning we had the next ambulancetransport to the animalhospital. This time Embla going for her X-rays. She was really calm and well behaved, being away from her mum for the first time. Vignir prepared himself very well for the shots, showing us in his books what kind of X-ray he wants to take and instructing us how to hold the leg and so on. After shooting he went to the local hospital to let them develop the pics for him. We were waiting quite nervously for his return. Only Embla was relaxed and had a closer look at the X-ray machine.
Then it was for sure, there was a fraction in Embla's leg, but not as bad as we had feared. The upper arm bone is splittered at the end, close to the ellbow, probably after a kick from another horse. The young lady has to stay inside the next 4-8 weeks, not allowed to move too much. That's not exactly how she thinks about it, but necessary. So please keep your fingers crossed together with us that everything will grow together neathly!
We thought it would be the one and only ambulancetransport. Well, we got a phonecall on Thursdaymorning, that one of the young horses in the fence next to the road was lame, just walking on 3 legs. Tommi had a closer look for us and unfortunately it was Embla.
When we came to check her out, she could barely walk, hopping on 3 legs when she wanted to go faster. We saw that she could use the leg and stand on it, but walking was difficult. Vignir the vet had a look at her and recommended to take X-rays as such a lamness is usually cause by a fraction of the bone. Not so good news for us and we were really upset and in sorrow about Embla.
Friday morning we had the next ambulancetransport to the animalhospital. This time Embla going for her X-rays. She was really calm and well behaved, being away from her mum for the first time. Vignir prepared himself very well for the shots, showing us in his books what kind of X-ray he wants to take and instructing us how to hold the leg and so on. After shooting he went to the local hospital to let them develop the pics for him. We were waiting quite nervously for his return. Only Embla was relaxed and had a closer look at the X-ray machine.
Then it was for sure, there was a fraction in Embla's leg, but not as bad as we had feared. The upper arm bone is splittered at the end, close to the ellbow, probably after a kick from another horse. The young lady has to stay inside the next 4-8 weeks, not allowed to move too much. That's not exactly how she thinks about it, but necessary. So please keep your fingers crossed together with us that everything will grow together neathly!
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