Eldra efni



Færslur: 2011 Október

16.10.2011 23:13

Icelandic Islandsheep

Today I got to know a (for me) new way of keeping sheep over summer: have them on an island! Kiddi in Helluland uses one of the islands in Laxáriver to keep the lambless sheep over summer and in autumn. He brings them there with his tractor and a trailer and the are roaming free there the whole summer. Well, it was time to fetch them and so we helped him to get them back. When we arrived at the island it was hard to believe, that there have been animals the whole summer as the grass was so high, you couldn´t see a single sheep.
Sparði, Kiddi's sheepdog, was a big help in gathering them. Kiddi just had to walk in front of the little, colourful herd, Sparði was in the back and we just had to walk along and follow them to the trailer. The sheep entered it without fear, already being used to these means of transport. 
Back home, the sheep were put off the trailer and the 2 young sheepdogs used the oppurtunity to train themselves a bit.

15.10.2011 22:58

Moving the horses

When somebody asks us what we have done the last weekends, the answer is: "Moving horses!"
If you have horses at different ages with different needs, you have to have different places to keep them. The foalmares and young horses, that are allowed to eat as much as they can, need a good place with lots to eat and good shelter in autumn, but the riding and traininghorses, that shouldn't get too fat need a different place. We collected Nökkvi, Pála, Embla and Jódís in Viðiholt, where they spent their summer and brought the 3 youngsters to Haga, but Jódís to Húsavík. Farsæll still was in Hraunkot, so we took him back to a good field and had Vordís as his company there too. Perla was in Helluland and went to Haga, too. 
This weekend we brought Vordís to Haga and took 2 horses from Kiddi back home for training. Katla, daughter of Perla and Geisli and fullsister of Magnús, came for training too.
So you see, a lot of driving and transporting different horses. We are happy to have the foalmares and youngsters in such a good field in Haga. We could see that they are enjoying themselves very much there. Farsæll, Perla (sister of List), Katla, Jódís and the sisters Glæta and Embla are inside for training and the ridinghorses are having an autumnbreak and enjoy their lives.
We are very much looking forward to start with the training.

04.10.2011 22:48


Well, the sheep had been collected from the mountains, sorted and those determined to live taken away from the slaughterlambs. Now it was time to make "Slautur" - Icelandic Liver- and Bloodpudding. When you order "Slautur" from the slaughterhouse, you get a packet with blood, liver, heart, head and fat and then you and your family and friends make something nice out of it. In our case Liver- and Bloodpudding. For me it was the first time to do so and I documented all the steps with my camera (think I was not much of a help...). We took mostly Bloodpudding for us as we like it quite much after keeping it in whey for some time. Ingólfur's dad is taking care of this for us and we are looking forward to try. Just have a look at the pics in the album!

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