Eldra efni



Færslur: 2012 Maí

28.05.2012 11:26

Busy weekend

Saturday morning, after feeding the horses, we moved Vordís and Þokkadís to a different field where they have a bit more peace. No nosy youngsters disturbing them all the time. Vordís' filly just followed her mum like a shadow, but somehow I think she's not gonna do that for very long as she ist really nosy.
After having quick lunch we went to Hólmavað, where we were supposed to watch over the lambing ewes while Ella and Bensi were not home. The last times I did that, not a single ewe was giving birth, but it was different that day. Bensi and Ella showed us, what we had to do for the already born lambs as there were some having difficulties drinking. With 2 their mum didn't allow them to drink and one more had difficulties to get started so you had to help it and milk a bit before it was able to do it on its own. The plan with the lambs their mum didn't want was to smuggle one of them under another ewe that was just getting one lamb. When Ella and Bensi left, there was one already giving birth and got 2 big rams. Ingólfur helped her a bit getting the lambs out as they had quite big horns. She was taking really good care of them, being busy cleaning them.
When everything was calm again we had some coffee and afterwards Ingólfur went to try and catch some delicious fish in Laxá. I made myself comfortable in the stable and checked regularly on the ewes if there wouldn't be one to start giving birth. Finally a grey ewe started and according to the books she was just with one lamb. So best to prepare everything to smuggle one lamb under her. Hrund and Kristján were already home again and told me what their dad is doing in a situation like that. We had to catch the amniotic fluid in a bucket and then bathe the lamb we wanted the ewe to foster in it. First we had to help her a bit as her own lamb was really big and not so eager to get out of the warm and cosy place ;) Ingólfur bathed the little ram completely in amniotic fluid and put him with the ewe that was straight away trying to clean the little guy. But the only thing he was thinking about was getting to the milk bar ;) We hope they are getting along well.
It was time to think about our dinner and so Ingólfur went to prepare pizza with the kids. There was another ewe giving birth but unfortunately the lamb didn't come the right way, you could just see the nose but not the legs. So I had to get the huge glove (gonna ask Bensi to order some smaller too next year) and try to get the legs in the right position. Awfully little room in a sheep... Had to push the head back to get my hand in and find the legs. That went well and after helping a bit she gave birth to a big ewe. The second lamb came without help. Afterwards the other sheep decided to wait again for Bensi ;)
Kristján and Ingólfur went fishing again and brought home a quite big trout.
We were both quite tired when we came home, but happy that everything went well.

Sunday morning we made a new fence and in the afternoon Ingólfur showed Negla on the track in Einarsstaðir as her owner was thinking about letting her show in a breeding show. He was really happy about what he saw and called a lady that will show her. So we left Negla in Helluland and took Kapteinn instead back home. Bjössi and Ingólfur are going to train him together. 

24.05.2012 20:17

Next round ;)

Yesterday we got a foal, today we got the expected lambs ;) 
Around lunchtime I got a SMS telling me that my ewe was starting to have her lambs. Unfortunately I had to work till 3 o'clock so I couldn't just leave and watch.
After work, we rushed home, changed clothes, grabbed the camera (nearly forgot the memory card) and off we went. I was counting on getting two big white rams, but hoped to get at least some coloured lamb as the father is grey.
When we arrived in Hólmavað, Bensi was getting ready to check out Mysa a bit better as she still hadn't got her lambs. It was good he had a closer look as the first one had forgotten to bring it's frontlegs in the right position and so he had to help it. The first thing I saw was a dark foot... Bensi tried to hide it from me, but I already had seen it and was waiting for to see the whole lamb. It proved to be a light grey ewe, so I got finally after 3 rams in the last years a female and a different colour than white. The second lamb was even more of a surprise! I first thought, it was just bloody around the eye, but in fact it a dark spot. Lucky me got a spotted ewe too! She has small spots on her ears, a spot around each eye and three dark spots on her back. The little lady looks a bit like a "Kärnter Brillenschaf" an endangered breed from Austria.
Thanks to Ella, Bensi and the kids in Hólmavað for taking so good care of them! Special thanks to Rut for loaning her ram ;)

23.05.2012 23:50

First foal

Well, it looks like Vordís listened to me and decided to give birth to her foal a bit earlier than expected. When we went to have a look at the mares in the morning, there was something small and brown outside the fence of our pasture. A foal! It was easy to see it was Vordís foal, as Þokkadís cannot give this colour and Vordís was really worried inside the fence.
After getting the little lady back to her mum, Vordís ran off with her. Well, it will be like that the next days till we are allowed to get closer to her. Bread of course will help ;)
The filly is a baypinto, with very small white markings on her body (just a small spot), small socks in front and stockings in the back. We are very happy about her looks and are now looking for a fitting name.

20.05.2012 23:42

So little time to write, too much to do ;)

Well, there has been a lot to do since we went to "Æskan og hesturinn", riding school three times a week, shoeing, trying to organise the summerstay of our horses, thinking about the coming foals and so on.
Ingólfur and Negla were competing in Akureyri last weekend and made it to the B-finals in tölt, which is a quite good result for their first sportscompetition.
The other members from our ridingclub Grani made it to the finals too, which is a very good result!
Next weekend, the next competition is waiting for them and maybe I'm gonna join, you never know.

I attach a few pics of our horses today. As you can see, the bellies of the mares are getting bigger and bigger, just a question of time till they want to get rid of their foals ;)

Vordís is in foal with our Farsæll

Þokkadís (Maggi's mare) is in foal with Farsæll too.

Perla gets a foal from Djákni frá Hellulandi.

The father of Aldís' foal is Þeyr frá Holtsmúla

05.05.2012 21:33

Æskan og hesturinn 2012

Friday afternoon 14 excited kids and their horses met in Saltvík to go to Akureyri and take part in the show "Æskan og hesturinn 2012". They were accompanied by 12 grown-ups, 6 cars, 4 horse- and 1 luggagetrailer. 
When we arrived the first thing to do was to unload the horses and allow them to roll over in the paddock. Then we cleaned the stable, put the horses inside, unloaded the back of Svanhildur's car and sorted all saddles, bridles and helmets. Afterwards we went to the restaurant Greifinn where we had a very delicious pizza buffet. 
There was just one thing left to do before we could go and relax: Training! That went very well, eventhough the younger group was a bit disappointed about not being allowed to play their favourite horseback game in the huge riding hall. Well, that has to wait.
What would a great trip like that be without getting ice-cream? We went 4 to buy ice-cream for everybody and I think there wasn't very much left, when everybody was finished.
The highlight of the night happened at 3.30, when we could hear a loud ripping noise followed by silence and then an even louder noise and the sound of a deflating air mattress. Bensis's mattress simply couldn't bear it any longer emoticon
After breakfast most of the kids went to the swimmingpool, while the grown-ups bought the last props. Soon it was time to get the horses ready and decide which riders would go to the opening ceremony. Dagný Anna, Thelma Dögg, Hrund, Katrín, Elín and Hjördís were the chosen ones and did their job very well. 
Our younger group was number 6 in the program and it was hard to keep them calm as they were really excited to perform. Sigrún, Hjördís, Katrín, Garpur, Berta and Kristján did so well and we are all really proud of them. 
During the break in the program the older group went to get themselves ready and the younger ones enjoyed some sweets. The older group was number 10 and they performed very well too. 
Following the show the kids were invited to get hamburgers, fries and softdrinks. 
I think we had very good and funny 2 days together! Takk fyrir mig!

01.05.2012 21:26

Long weekend

As Magnús went with our friends Pétur and Marietta to the East one month ago, we had to go and get him back. List travelled with us, so we could use the possibility to get lessons with Marietta. 
Magnús learned to use his back better and Ingólfur got instructions about how to improve Magnús' muscels. 
Marietta showed List and me how we can go on and how I can help her to understand what I want and bend her to the right direction. I'm looking forward to work more with List that way.
Otherwise did we help with cutting hooves, moving horses, mucking the stable and so on.
Well of course we didn't forget to have good meals and even better talks ;)
Thanks a lot for this great weekend!
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