Eldra efni



Færslur: 2012 Október

28.10.2012 09:13


It's Hjördís Birthday today, already 10 years old, where is time going???
She had a Birthdayparty for her classmates and friends on Friday, of course with a Halloweentheme. Nearly all the kids came dressed up as vampires, creepy dolls, zombies, devils and so on. Some, like us, dressed up as psychopathic massmurderers, who, as everybody knows, just look like ordinary people.
Hjördís ordered a big halloweenstyle birthdaycake with a spiderweb, spider and last but not least a lot of bats. There was a lot more to eat like bat-muffins and homemade pizza.
The kids danced and played a lot and I think most of them were rather tired when they went home.
Yesterday we celebrated her birthday with the family at our place, having even more cakes and juicy fruits as a healthy snack. There were quite some presents, but I think the favourite one so far was the cuddly toydog she got. It's soooooooooooo soft.
Again and again: HAPPY BIRTHDAY HJÖRDíS!!!!

22.10.2012 14:55


A lot of changes here the last days/weeks. Weatherchanges, seasonchanges, windchanges and so on. Life is flowing, isn't it?
Sundaymorning we had a wonderful time with Magnús, Hóffý and their family, supervising the kids on horseback. Magnús finally went back on back again, tried both his horses Glói and Ísaak and had a smile on his face when he went off. 
The kids a good time, the horses being very patient and polite with them. We are gonna do that again soon.
At lunchtime we went to Hólmavað to help a bit with the sheep. Bensi is still missing around 50 ewes and lambs, but nevertheless he had to go through his herd and decide who's gonna life and who not.
There are around 30 "smálömb", lambs under 30kg liveweight, which are far too small to go to the slaughterhouse and are going to stay until spring or autumn next year. Usually he has 4-6 lambs that size. My grey lamb is in that group too, weighting just 26kg. 
My other lamb, you remember the one looking like a pirate, somehow managed to put on 5-6 kilos during the last weeks and had now 31kg. When we came it was in the group with the slaughterlambs that should be sought around 2 o'clock. Now it was my turn to decide who's gonna live and who's gonna die. Mysa or her daughter. Mysa had quite some trouble the last 2 years with her udder, just one part of it working the way it should and therefore not being able to produce enough milk for her lambs. It would have been possible to keep her maybe 1 more year, but no guaranty that she'd have female lambs again next spring. So I took the hard decision to let her go and keep her pirate daughter. María, the sheepsupervisor of our area, came later to have a look at the lambs Bensi wants to let live and really like our little one. I thought about a name for her and decided to call her "Snilld", which means ingenuity.


Her grey lamb


17.10.2012 08:50


Our stable is filling with traininghorses. Kátína, Katla and Sigtýr were already inside a few days learning and refreshing the basics in daily care when Hringur joined them. Yesterday evening the other boxes filled with 4 youngsters from Helluland. Sigtýr is supposed to leave soon to the winterpasture, but the rest will stay inside for basic or further training.
We measured Sigtýr yesterday as we thought him rather big for his age and he's already 136cm on stick just 2 years old.

Here's a small overview of the horses inside:

Kátína frá Húsavík, blackpinto, born 2007
  V: Valur frá Höskuldsstöðum
  M: Hugsun frá Húsavík
  fivegaited, started her basictraining last year, now inside for further training

Katla frá Hólmavaði, black, born 2008
  V: Geisli frá Sælukoti
  M: Perla frá Höskuldsstöðum
  fivegaited, had her basictraining last autumn, inside for further training

NN frá Hellulandi, black mare, born 2008
  V: Gígjar frá Auðholtshjáleigu
  M: Hanna Valdís frá Grímshúsum
  fivegaited, starting in basictraining

Sleipnir frá Hellulandi, grey, born 2009
  V: Gandálfur frá Selfossi
  M: Slaufa frá Hellulandi
  most likely fivegaited, starting in basictraining

Svartur frá Hellulandi, black, born 2009
  V: Kappi frá Kommu
  M: Röst frá Hellulandi
  probably fourgaited, starting in basictraining

Drottning frá Hellulandi, red, born 2009
  V: Andvari frá Ey I
  M: Dvöl frá Syðri-Brekkum
  fourgaited, starting in basictraining

Hringur frá Laxamýri II, palomino, born 2009
  V: Álfur frá Húsavík
  M: Dögun frá Hjalla
  fourgaited, starting in basictraining

Sigtýr frá Húsavík, black, born 2010
  V: Geisli frá Sælukoti
  M: Vordís frá Brekku
  fivegaited, inside to teach him the very basics (haltertraining, leading,...)
  will go outside very soon again

14.10.2012 11:58

A very good Saturday

Yesterdaymorning we decided to go to both horse round-ups in Eyjafjörður. The first one, Þverárétt, started at 10 o'clock so we had to get up early, call Bjössi and Maggi to ask if they'd like to join us, pick them up, feed our horses in Saltvík and drive to Eyjafjörður.
We had wonderful weather, sunshine, no wind and up to 12 degrees. When we arrived in Þverárétt, the sorting already had started, but not too long ago. We found ourselves a good place to watch and started discussing the different horses and horsecolours. There were quite a few different colours, from the basic ones to basic and spotted, duncolours, cremecolours (Palomino, Buckskin and Smokey Black), Splashed White horses and at least two Cremellos/Perlinos. So something for every taste. 
After a very quick lunch we headed to Melgerðismélarrétt, which started at 1 o'clock. There were not as many horses and maybe less colours, but I liked the horses a bit better. Ingólfur was getting a bit cold, so he decided to join the action a bit and offered Jonas, the farmer at Litli-Garður, his help. I managed to take a few pics when he was catching one of the foals that didn't want to follow it's mum into the right area. 
On our way back we first stopped at Haga to have a look at our foals and then in Viðiholt to check out Prins, Bjössi's son of our Farsæll. 
We were so lucky to get an invitation for dinner and headed to Berglind and Vignir's place after a very quick shower. The food was delicious and afterwards we tried the Icelandic snaps Birkir, which is made out of birch. Birkir has a sister called Björk, which is a liqueur made out of birch. We really can recommend both of them!
Then it was time to take a walk to Gamli Baukur to take part in the pub quiz. On the way we watched the most beautiful Northern Lights, so whoever wants to see really powerful, moving and colourchangeing Northern Lights should come to Iceland this winter! 
We had a good time at the quiz and managed to end in 3rd place, with 38,5 points out of 43. The winner had 41, but I'm not sure if he didn't use a smartphone...
All in all we had a wonderful Saturday! Gonna put in some pics.

06.10.2012 23:23


Ingólfur's little nephew was baptised today and in the morning we were busy baking the cake. I like to think about a special decoration for each and every cake and this time we decided to have a soccer-theme as the father of the boy is a soccerplayer. The name of the child is always a big secret here, so we had to take care nobody would see the cake before the ceremony. 
The ceremony itself was very nice and the priest found the fitting words. Some kids were a bit more patient than others, some needed a bit more attention than others and some sang louder than others.
After having soup and bread, the cake was served and people really liked it. Me too, it was very juicy ;)
Later we went to Saltvík to finish the wateringsystem and prepare the stable for the horses coming tomorrow. 
Last but not least I took some pics of my crazy rose, which is having 52 flowers on just 1 stem. No idea why it is doing that, but I really like it ;)

05.10.2012 23:05

Time is flying...

...where did September disappear to??? Now it's already October, the horses are getting their wintercoat, the sheep (at least most of them) are home, the birds are starting their journey south.
We have been very busy the last weeks, little time to write her. Last week we had a short stop in Austria, attending the funeral of my late granddad, helping my parents a bit with sorting things and last but not least celebrating a lot of birthdays. First my brother's, then Kristina's, then my cousin's and finally the 90th birthday of my grandma. Ingólfur and I made a cake for her and she was really happy and moved about this. It was so great to see how happy she was about it, That was the best present for us ;)
The weather back here has been rather bad, except for today when we had a perfect autumnday, mild, no wind, sunshine. The lamb I was missing returned too, but both lambs are far too small and too light :( Now we have to feed them well and hope the best. But I think they are in very good hands with Bensi and Ella.
Today we had a look at our foals and they are already wearing their thick wintercoat, especially Þyrnirós seems to take care not to get cold during winter. I'd say she's rather fat, but that's better than her being too thin before winter. Þeysir is doing well, too, growing and improving in looks. Think he'll be a really nice fivegaiter when he's grown up, showing all gaits running free already.
So what's the plan for the next days?
Tomorrow we have to bake and deliver a baptismcake and attend the ceremony, too. Looking forward to make the cake ;)
Sunday we'll take a few youngsters inside, including Sigtýr, who's supposed to get a week of basic training, getting him more used to being around humans. He'll go to Helluland again after that, having a wonderful winterholiday with his friends Dimmir & Co.

Ah, before I forget: we had amazing Northernlights tonight! Stopped a few times on the way back from Hólmavað to have a better look at the dancing lightshow, going from green to white and pink and back.

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