Eldra efni



Færslur: 2013 Mars

28.03.2013 09:36


After getting our stable ready and putting the horses outside, we started our trip to Skagafjörður, where the annual stallionshow in the big ridinghall was planned for the evening. We decided to make a bit more out of this trip and visit 2 breeders/trainers on our way.
First stop was Kiddi's stallionfence, where we had a quick look at Sigtýr and took a few pics of him. Hard to believe, he's just going to be 3 in June. Then we picked Kiddi up and after one more stop in Akureyri, we continued to Skagafjörður.
We were lucky and met Magnús Bragi (Íbishóll) at home. He showed us around his stable, we clapped Óskasteinn and chatted about horsetraining and breeding. Just before we went, he showed us his young stallions, which are growing up in a huge field. There's a younger brother of Óskasteinn, the last offspring of Ósk out of Vafi frá Ýsta-Mói. His name is Snillingur and Magnús hopes he stands with that big name. We really liked him and are thinking about how to get him here in summer.
Afterwards we met Þorarinn Eymundsson in Sauðárkrókur and had a look at Þórálfur, Þeyr, Hlekkur and Narri. It's a pitty Vordís is not in foal with Þórálfur as he definitely has improved his looks since last summer. Hard to believe, that Álfur frá Selfossi is his father. I was very much interested in Hlekkur as he is one of the oldest offspring of Þeyr and was not disappointed by his looks. He's lightbuilt with very good neck and a good back. Maybe I get a mare like this out of Þeyr and Vordís. 
In the evening we watched 35 stallions, younger and older, judged and unjudged, fourgaiters and fivegaiters, some better trained than others. I really liked Kalmar frá Efri-Rauðalæk. One of the highlights was the honoray horse of the evening, which in this case was Andvari frá Ey, father of our Vordís. He was shown under the saddle, but you could see, that he more or less just came from the winterpasture. 
I'd say, eventhough it was a stallionshow, the mares, that were shown, topped them! Especially the mare Fura frá Stóru-Ásgeirsá, who accompanied her fullbrother Eldfari, was amazing. Maybe one day we manage to breed a horse like her.
On our way back, the sky was full of northernlights, but I was too tired and the moon was too bright to take proper pictures. So I just enjoyed the show.

I attach some pics of Sigtýr and Snillingur.

Snillingur frá Íbishóli

27.03.2013 08:37


...or better said chestnut mares was what we got to see when we went to Erlingur checking out Kiddi's young mares that are in training there.

They are:

Perla frá Hellulandi, born 2008, chestnut with flaxen mane and tail and a star, fivegaited, daughter of Hágangur frá Narfastöðum and Lukka frá Hellulandi

Vá frá Hellulandi, born 2008, chestnut with flaxen mane and tail, probably fourgaited, daughter of Hágangur and Slaufa frá Hellulandi 

Sól frá Hellulandi, born 2007, chestnut with a star and really much mane and tail, maybe fivegaited, daughter of Tigull frá Gígjarhóli and Súla frá Hellulandi

Sóla frá Hellulandi, born 2008, chestnut with flaxen mane and tail, a star and a snip, probably fivegaited, fullsister of Sól

The mares were doing fine, but got a bit disturbed by us standing in the field, watching them. Perla, Sól and Sóla already have a good speedrange in tölt, Vá, who shows tölt without a rider, just started to tölt with rider and is therefore not as fluent as the others yet. It was nice to meet all of them again and see how they are developing into good ridinghorses and maybe more.

When you have a look at the pics, you'll see that the mares are very alike. This is due to them being very close related, all of them being bred out of Slaufa. Slaufa is the mother of Vá, grandmother of Perla and greatgrandmother of Sól and Sóla, whose mother Súla is a sister of Perla.

Perla (Hágangur - Lukka)

Sóla (Tigull - Súla)

Sól (Tigull - Súla)

Vá (Hágangur - Slaufa)

26.03.2013 09:32


Finally we have a few days off from work and good weather. Saturday we started early in the stable and went to the big riding hall with Hjördís. The horses were allowed to the big field afterwards and celebrated their freedom with rolling themselves like crazy in the snow, bucking and running allover.
In the afternoon we went to Akureyri, celebrating the birthday of Jói, Ingólfur's nephew. Good food, very nice people - what can you ask more?
Sunday we went to get Mieke's Jódís from training in Bergsstaðir. She was there for 2 months of training and we really liked what we saw. She's trying to please her rider, strong and all gaits open. Very nice ridinghorse for nearly everybody I'd say. Jódís joined Kátína and the others in the field and of course tried to take over the herd the moment she entered the field. Some things never change.
The weather was so good, we spent some time with the foalmares. No idea where Þyrnirós wants to grow, but she's very big for her age, rather looking like some coldblood foal than an Icelandic foal... Looking very much forward to seeing her in her summerfur.
Her big brother Sigtýr is doing well too, big and beautiful, have to try and picture him soon.
Yesterday we went early to the stable and trained our horses (they are still wondering why on earth we are always so early now) and allowed them to the big field afterwards. They really like that.
Today will be busy with taking pics and videos of Kiddi's mares that are in training at Erlingur's place. I'm really looking forward to seeing them, especially Perla, sister of List.

Jódís and Bensi

Þyrnirós has changed her look from Arab to Shirehorse...

Þokki, Maggi's foal

13.03.2013 11:35


After having a look at our picturepages I got a slight shock, realizing I haven't been very diligent recently setting in pics. Mea culpa! 
Now I'm busy adding pics so you have something to go through and have a look at. More albums coming soon!

09.03.2013 22:29

Having a look in the sheepstable

In the afternoon we took a drive to Hólmavað and had a look at the sheep. My Snilld and her grey sister are there too, so I took a few pics of them. They are both "loosing" their grey colour, very much like their mum Mysa did, just to get dark over summer again. I very much hope that it'll be the same with these two and the colour in the markings will come back over summer.
I had a look at older pics I have, found one of Mysa as a lamb and compared it to her daughters. They are very much alike, eventhought the sisters seem to have a bit darker basecolour. I'll keep a kind of picturediary of these colourchanging sheep.

Snilld, 21.10.2012

Snilld, 9.3.2013



Mysa in February 2011

Happy chewing

06.03.2013 20:06

Guess what...

... it's snowstorm again emoticon.
Last week almost all the ice melted, the outsidehorses could finally reach the grass underneath the snow again and the ridingtracks started to be rather good after first being frozen and then muddy like hell. 
We were invited to the baptism of Lára Soley's and Hjalti's little daughter who got the name Hulda Margrét after both her grandmothers. Of course we made the cake and I attach a pic. Hjördís and Ingólfur's father went with us and we had a great day together.
Sundayevening it got colder and Monday we had a wonderful snowstorm, the road to Akureyri was closed again and it was pure luck that the "Skálmöld"-concert was not delayed due to the weather. The band already arrived in Húsavík during the night from Sunday to Monday. The concert was great and I'm very much looking forward to have them here again in spring/early summer.
Yesterday the weather was quite ok, eventhough rather cold and the horses enjoyed themselves outside, playing and digging for more grass. During the night we got another storm and it was definitely no fun driving to Saltvík to feed the horses in the morning. Of course Vikurskarð was closed again and I just heard in the news, that they were fetching people from there that have been stuck in their cars up there since in the morning... This time the weather was so bad, that the local authorities decided to stop cleaning the snow off the roads as the roads were just closing right after the plough again. Good to own a jeep... Well, we were allowed to send the kids home earlier from school or rather let their parents pick them up. That has never happend since I work in this school...
We went right after school to check on our horses. The outsidehorses needed a new roundbale of hay and we were hoping to move it with our car like usual. But there was so much snow, that our car got stuck already at the gate. After getting it out again, we took a walk down to the bales and the two of us rolled it to our horses. Not so easy against the storm and uphill, but we managed. This time we just cut a few holes in the plasticcover so the storm wouldn't blow half of the hay away. The horses didn't mind, they were just happy to get more to eat.
In Saltvík we first had to dig ourselves in, just to dig ourselves out again, when we left 2 hours later. The horses were fine, having it nice and warm inside. We let them run a bit in the ridinghall and they really enjoyed that, bucking around and having fun. Afterwards they were happy to get their hay.
Please keep your fingers crossed, that this weather stops soon and we get our sun back!

Aldís having fun

Freyja showing her babybelly

On the way to the stable

Good to have a shovel in the car...
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