Eldra efni



Færslur: 2014 Janúar

27.01.2014 22:04

So proud...

...of our traininghorses! All of them are making big steps forward and it's so much fun to work with them and see how proud they are when they do something right. Aldís and Kátína being the more experienced of the group have to serve as leadinghorse, teaching the less experienced how to be a brave ridinghorse.
We have been preparing Flugar and Venus the last days inside, riding free and allowing them to follow Aldís or Kátína in the ridinghall. That went well and so we were waiting for our third man Bjössi to have time and join us for an outsideride. 
Today we got the opportunity to do that and went for 2 short rides, first with Kátína, Aldís and Venus and afterwards with Flugar instead of Venus. It was already getting dark when we started for the first round (we weren't crossing any roads) so we put some reflecting gear on, just in case we met a car on our way. In the start we had the less experienced horse on a long security line, but let them go the last part to the stable. Things went very well and  I'm so proud of the bunch of trainingshorses we have inside at the moment. Think they have to be rather courageous to go out in the dark with these strange humans on their backs.
I attach some pics from yesterday when we let them go in the bigger field.

Soooo good to roll over in the snow

Hard to believe they are the same breed!

Careful! Slippery!

19.01.2014 22:36


It had been planned since autumn but there was always a reason not to drive east and visit Pétur and Marietta. Well, now we finally managed and drove to Egilsstaðir on Friday. The journey was rather tiring as the road was very icy and slippery, but the delicious dinner definitely made up for it. Benni Lindas joined us for dinner and it was very interesting and nice to get to know him a bit. Best about it, was to realise, that he's just like you and me, easygoing and with good humor. 
Saturday was mostly used to visit Hrannar, his daughters and their foals and take a lot of pics there. When you see the pics you'd never guess that Hrannar is going to be 27 this spring. The foals were very interested in us, but willing to show a bit off, too. I specially liked Snilld. Benni came over for coffee and cake in the afternoon and later Ingólfur and Pétur shoed 3 horses while Marietta was training a horse and I was taking pics.
Sunday we worked a bit on their homepage and installed a new blogg for Pétur, where he can post his personal view on horsemanship.
After taking a few more pics of Magni, the stallion in training at their place, and his halfbrother, we had to go back home. Far too short time for a visit, but it was very nice anyway!

Dögg and Nói playing

Hrannar having fun like a youngster

Snilld & Embla

13.01.2014 22:14

More trainingshorses

The stable is starting to fill with horses and yesterday two more arrived unexpectedly. Halldór at Bjarnastaðir called in the morning and asked if we could take one youngster for him into training. Well, no problem as there's enough room at the moment. When he arrived with his horsetransporter he asked, if we should get the horses inside. Horses? Wasn't he just talking about one? Well, we fetched both of them. They are brothers born 2010, both sons of Gustur frá Lækjarbakka, winner of the youthclass at Landsmót 2008 and son of Gustur frá Grund, which we like quite a lot. Their names are Geisli (Gustur - Sunna) and Prímus (Gustur - Hespa). At the moment they are rather shy as they aren't much handled yet, but I think this'll change soon.
The other traininghorses are doing well, we are going for rides on Kátína and Aldís, which is going very well. Flugar is getting more training with the rider as is Venus. I'll take some pics of the new guys soon. 

12.01.2014 21:21

Þyrnirós & Co

It was time to get the young horses home and the weather and roadconditions were good so we went to fetch them today.
First we took Vordís, which is in foal with Snillingur frá Íbíshóli, and Þyrnirós, old Perla and Maggi's Þokki came with the second ride. Now they have a huge field, good shelter, unlimited hay and warm water. After checking out the "new" place, the first thing to do was taking a good snowbath and roll over a lot. Then Þyrnirós and Þokki ran and bucked around a lot. So much fun to see them enjoy themselves so much. 
Afterwards we had a look at Freyja and Fjördís. Both are well and good looking.

Vordís & Þyrnirós

Þokki trying the grass


10.01.2014 20:41


Kiddi at Helluland called and asked us, if we'd have time to visit and take Barla and Sandra with us to show them the horses, Miriam was training in autumn. Of course we had time, grabbed the girls and went for a visit.
When we arrived, Kiddi had already chosen the horses for the first ride: Barla got Óríon (Keilir - Slaufa), Sandra Askur (Dalvar - Slaufa) and Kiddi took his young stallion Dimmir, a son of Kappi frá Kommu and Röst frá Hellulandi.
It was fun to see how much the horses have improved from our last visit and Miriam definitely did a good job.
Kiddi specially showed us galopp and asked me to take pics of it, which I of course did. But I'm not sure if it's good to show him the pics as I fear he'll be too proud of them. Nevertheless I'll put one in here!
Afterwards they tried 3 mares, Embla, Drottning and Sóla. These have improved, too, and I really liked Drottning, daughter of Andvari frá Ey and Dvöl. Embla is her halfsister, same mother, but her father is Galsi. If it were my mares, I'd definitely think about keeping Embla and Drottning for my own breeding.
I think the girls were happy about the nice rides and the invitation for coffee afterwards. It was a very nice afternoon!

Sandra and Barla riding the brothers Askur and Óríon

Kiddi and Dimmir

02.01.2014 20:30

Happy New Year!

We hope you had a nice New Year's Eve and not too much headache the day after. 
Here it was rather calm, we had delicious dinner after visiting the big bonfire and watching the fireworks. Around midnight we went outside to have a look at everybody shooting fireworks and fire some small ones ourselves. Our neighbour had a big show, which was very nice to watch.
Now it's time to think about getting the ridinghorses inside and we already fetched the first ones.
That are Aldís, Kátína, Flugar and Venus, which is staying for her first training with us. Next we are going to get Magnús and Maggi's Ísak. The horses, which are going to stay at the stable until spring, are getting a new haircut so they won't be too hot when staying inside. They take it rather well and most of them just stand still.
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