Eldra efni



Færslur: 2015 Júní

21.06.2015 15:57


... for Fönix and Fjördís! Finally they probably thought. 
They met their older sibblings at Hólmavað and after a short "Hello" they all ran off and had fun bucking and jumping.
I got some nice pics of them, especially of Þyrnirós, which is unfortunately for sale again.

Our foals were lucky, too and got a lot of visitors these last days. First Jón stopped by and today Ína and her daughters. Just the question, who was more interested in these visits.

16.06.2015 09:48

Firmakeppni Grana

Beautiful weather was the perfect frame around our annual club competition. We tried the new ovaltrack and it seems to get better and better.
There were amazingly many participants and a lot of good horses. It was nice to see, how many kids took part and apparently had a lot of fun.
Afterwards we had some coffee and then a big group went for a nice evening ride.

Our foals got an unexpected visitor as Jón, Ingólfur's father, stopped by and we had a look at Snerpa and her brother. Jón was rather surprised, how easygoing both foals were.

13.06.2015 09:17

New inhabitants

in the former chicken stable at Hólmavað. These piglets moved in a few days ago and are going to stay there as long as they need to be with a heating lamp. Both are really interested in food and digging in the ground. Liked me and my camera, too, could be something to eat. Soon they'll move to the barn where they can go in an out as they like.
Þyrnirós and Þokki have moved to the summer pasture, where they met Vordís and Mánahringur. They are going to enjoy their lives there for the next months.

12.06.2015 09:02


is getting his basic education right now and is therefore at the stable. He's a really fast learner and takes new things easy and relaxed. It's a pleasure to work with a youngster like this.
Soon he'll be castrated and then he'll take a trip to his summerpasture at Hólmavað.

11.06.2015 23:49


Our ridingclub Grani is really active having lessons for interested young riders, beginners and those already more experienced. We were asked and agreed to teach 2 groups of kids at the age of 6-8. It was not always easy, but we had a lot of fun and it was great to see, how much the kids learned and improved in these 5 days.

03.06.2015 18:07


As our foals are that much into humans, it's very nice to be able to give others the possibility to visit them and have a really close look. Today we got a visit from Hulda, Lára Sóley and Hulda Margrét. Hjördís was with us and showed her little cousin, how to find the right spot to scratch.

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