Eldra efni



Færslur: 2015 Október

20.10.2015 16:48


Nökkvi and Prímus moved in at the stables today as it is time to continue their education. Alltogether there are 5 trainingshorses at the moment and we are waiting for 2 more from Kiddi.
Nökkvi just needs a small update and more experience with the rider, then he'll be ready for trailrides. Sæla and Prímus were already started last year and are at approximately the same point of education as Vordís and Mánahringur are now.
So nice to work with these youngsters.
When we put them all together, Vordís had to check out the newcomers and tell them, who's the boss. Well, it just took a moment and then she knew, that Prímus is the number one.
Afterwards we visited the mares and foals. They were having a good time and came when they heard the promising sound of the bag with bread. Snerpa and her brother are just like glued together and both following List.
Fönix is growing well and seems to like being around his mum again.

18.10.2015 22:12


After moving a few more horses to Ísólfsstaðir we went up to Þeistareykir to look out for sheep, that were still on the run.
The weather was perfect, still and sunshine so the visibility was great, too. I was surprised how many people and cars we met on our trip. Think at least some of them were hunters on the look out for rock ptarmigans as the very short hunting season is just around the corner. 
We saw a lot of them, but no sheep. Especially nice was when they were just pecking close to the road and weren't afraid of the car so I could get these nice shots.

17.10.2015 21:45


That's what we did today as we got a new field close to the stable which had to be divided into 5 parts. We already fenced 2 parts off and had to make 3 equal parts out off the rest. With 4 working we weren't too long doing that. especially with the help of the tractor. Now we can start having horses outside close by and just drive them into the paddock whenever needed.

16.10.2015 21:07


...have always been quite fascinating for me.
Especially when my mum started to cultivate them successfully at home. It was mostly Phalaenopsis Hybrids she got, which flowered again and again. I on the other hand did well with carnivore plants and crab cactuses, but killed every orchid I tried to cultivate. 
Well, it looks like I finally found out how to do it right and these fellows I got in February are still or again flowering. 

14.10.2015 20:12

Northernlights II

Exactly one week after the fabulous lightshow I tried to get another glimpse. But when I started my tour, there was nothing to see.
I visited several places, but nothing. Halfway to Höskuldsvatn I finally saw a slight green shine and photographed with little success.
After trying for a while I decided to go home, but that was when the real lights appeared and so I had to stop and take a few more pics.

07.10.2015 19:01


And what a show! It's not every day, that you can see them that vivid and strong even in town.
After taking a few pics just in front of our house, I went to our field and tried to take some with our horses and northernlights. Not that easy, but I think for the first time not so bad. At least the horses had fun to get a late visitor and checked me and my camera thoroughly.

03.10.2015 19:33

I like to move it

- move it. I like to move it - move it! I like to move it!
That could be the motto of today as we were moving a lot of horses.
We started with Sigtýr and Aldís, which went to Ísólfsstaðir and met Fribbi's horses there. 
Next Nökkvi, Prímus and Embla moved in with Magnús and Skuggi at the big field.
Now it was time to move Amór, Vaka, Katla, Þyrnirós and Fjördís to Hjarðarhaga, where they are roaming free on about 100 ha of very different landscape.
Fönix moved in with his mum Vordís, Þrá, his niece and nephew and their mums at Haga and got a not so warm welcome from his mum.
Last but not least Bensi's Vordís and Mánahringur moved to Húsavík to start their education.
Besides being moved, everybody got his dewormer and the hooves trimmed.

02.10.2015 18:35

Home improvement

Well, almost. In fact, it was rather a barn improvement. 
During the last years we got quite tired of the old and dangerous EUR-pallets, the former owner used on the floor and decided to cast concrete.
Next step will be to put up tackshelves and covering the wall. Looking forward to that!

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