Eldra efni



Færslur: 2015 Nóvember

24.11.2015 11:50

First Christmaspresent

Exactly one month before Christmas, my first present arrived. In fact not a present, but 2 huge boxes with my cushion covers. I was so excited and really happy when I opened the boxes and everything was just the way I wanted. Elín and her company Lagður did a pretty good job and I like the results very much.
Now I have cushion covers with 2 of my pics for sale. The size is 40x60 cm and each comes in a giftbox. The price is 8.000 ISK or 55? without packing and sending. If you'd like to get one, please contact me at karin(at)internet.is
Hope you like them as much as I do!

21.11.2015 21:28

Another early Saturday

We just repeated the procedure from last Saturday and started our day early at Saltvík. All horses were trained today before they went outside in the field for their weekendbreak. Nökkvi and I went for our first longer trail, down to the house, where I had to get off and lead him a bit to get through between the house and the constructionsite. He stood like a statue when I mounted again and then we went upphill and back to the stable, where we met Ingólfur and Sæla going on their first outsideride. We accompanied them a bit and both horses are very selfconfident outside, easygoing and not worried when the other horse is leaving. Just the way it should be!
Prímus is always trying to get some treats by lifting his frontlegs as I taught him to do this on command when I want to lift them. Learning in progress, maybe he'll become a Showhorse one day.
We saw a few very nice jumps when we put them in the field again and Píla, the Border Collie, would have loved to make the horses move a bit more, but didn't get an OK for that. 
The mares and foals had fun in the snow, too, which means I got some nice shots today. I'm a bit hesitating of posting pics of List as she's looking like a Thelwellpony at the moment... Will be quite some work to get her in shape again.

15.11.2015 21:12


Had a short look at the foals today. The Gyrfalcon was at his place checking out the ducks down at the shore.
The mares, foals and Fönix were having a good time, running and bucking a lot. We are really happy about the gaits in the foals, even saw Snerpa taking real flying pace. 

14.11.2015 20:35

Horses and more horses

We decided to start our day early and went to Saltvík training the youngsters before noon. Things are going really well and I think Ómar, the gelding from Kiddi, is a really, really promising horse and it would be nice to track him in the future.
The others are doing well, too, and both of Bensi's youngsters are going to get a break very soon. 
In the afternoon we fetched the mares, foals and Fönix, which was a bit turbulent as both foals decided to not go with List and Fönix and jumped the fence. Well, in the end we got all of them and I was really delighted, how easygoing Fönix is. Just grab his beard and he stands still and you can put the halter on. Trailerloading? No problem! And he's just 1,5 years old. Nice guy!
Before we went to get the horses, we checked the fence and fixed the last bits and pieces there. It was very nice to watch a juvenile Gyrfalcon closeby, which was in fact watching every movement and then flew off to endanger some Common Eider.
Think the horses are going to have a good time in this pasture at the sea, lots to eat and a good shelter.

10.11.2015 23:52

Northernlights V

The last days respectively nights have been quite generous with their lightshows. Tonight was no exception and I took a quick trip to our local lighthouse and shot around there a bit. 
When I started my way back to the car, there were already at least 2 more photographers and the third on the way. Think I got the best lights tough.

09.11.2015 23:07


Whilst the gardenflowers enjoy their winterbreak, the indoorflowers bloom like there's no tomorrow.
All of my Christmas cactuses are in flower as are some of my orchids. Always nice to get some spots of colour during wintertime.

08.11.2015 22:25

Northernlights IV

As the prognose was quite promising, I decided to try a new location for taking Northernlightspics. When I arrived there, you could barely see lights, but I still wanted to try and took a few longtime shots. The outcome's quite nice, I'd say. Would be great to shoot there when there are more lights. 
On my way back I noticed stronger lights behind a thin layer of clouds, which made an interesting motive. Hope you like them as much as I do.

07.11.2015 22:31

Nammi namm

That's probably what our horses thought when we arrived with a new saltstone for them. At least they were very busy with it while we visited. Snerpa came straight away to greet us, but her brother was a bit shier and stayed at a distance. Hjördís did her best to get his trust and finally succeeded. As a kind of thank you he tried to scratch her back and steal her hat. 
Later I checked out the Northernlights which were rather unspectacular today. But at least I could try out a few things.

03.11.2015 16:37

Northernlights III

Earlier this evening there were rather strong lights so I decided to pack my things and try my luck.
First there was nothing, but then I saw a very delicate green shimmer and put up my equipment. Didn't have to wait long before a truly magnificent lightshow started.
Hope you enjoy!

01.11.2015 22:21


Autumn is the time to send the ridinghorses in their well earned break. So today we went to Laxamýri to take the shoes off the ridinghorses there. Just outside in the meadow. The other horses were nosy, but didn't bother us.

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