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Færslur: 2016 Júlí
17.07.2016 09:41
As we are not very happy about the very common Nootka lupin flowing over hillsides and berryland, we decided to do a bit to stop her. At least close to our summerpasture. Wouldn't be too good if it would overtake the meadow. So we put up a fence where we allow our horses to climb and look for grass, which grows inbetween. The lupin obviously doesn't bear the horses stepping on it and starts to retreat. As you can see on the pic the horses where very busy looking for grass and didn't even want to come back down to their field.
15.07.2016 22:50
First thing today was fetching Þrá from the stallion as he decided on not having her in his herd and attacked her during the night. She'll stay a few days at the stable now to recover and then go to Gisli's young stallion after Korgur frá Ingólfshvóli. Hope he'll be nice to her.
As Ingólfur helped Bensi with making hay, I had lots of time to visit Vordís and the youngsters at Hagi. The poor treat's bucket got a hard treatment from Fönix, Snerpa and Kóngur, but it took quite some time till they managed to break it open. Rögnir decided to have a really close look at the strange human and realised that it's not at all so bad to get a good scratch. After that it was rather difficult to get rid of him. Vordís on the other hand seemed to be quite happy that she didn't have to babysitt for a while. It looks like Rögnir is getting dark bay, just like his big sister Þyrnirós, but we'll see about that.
14.07.2016 22:46
Þrá & Bósi
That's our mating this year and we hope it'll work out. Þrá was just starting to get ready for the stallion so we put her with the silverdapple stallion Bósi and hope they'll match and we get a beautiful foal next year.
10.07.2016 21:38
Sightseeing II
Well, part 2 in exploring the country. After fetching Hjördís at Varmahlíð we drove further south and stopped close by Hvammstangi at Sæból, where Hanný Heiler and Tobbi Norland live. It was our first visit there, but really nice to stop, have a look at Skuggi's offspring, chat and of course pet Húni, their Alaskan Malamute. We just closely slepped through taking him back home with us, Hjördís liked him so much.
The journey continued on Vatnsnes peninsula, which is the perfect place to watch seals. In fact, there are two kinds of seals, Harbour seals and Grey seals, at Vatnsnes and we saw both of them. First we mistook a Grey seal for a stone as it was just poking it's head out of the water not moving at all, but the pic I took revealed the true nature of this stone as I've rarely seen a stone with whiskers.
Next stop was Hvítserkur and the seals at the estuary mouth of Sigriðsstaðavatn. I have to admit, I thought Hvítserkur was bigger as it looks rather huge on pics, but nevertheless it was a wonderful experience to see it that close. On our way back we took the detour to Siglufjörður. We endet the day after driving about 750 km back home at Húsavík.
05.07.2016 20:55
Good to use your holidays to travel a bit. Today we decided to take a drive to Lake Mývatn and take a closer look at Námaskarð. There's a very active geothermal field, where you can witness fumaroles and mudpots.
We decided to start our trip by walking up Námafjall and get an overview of the area. On our way up we encountered different types of geothermal activity and beautiful sights.
Hjördís and me took the walk downhill whilst Ingólfur drove the car down to the parking area. It was a harder walk down than we expected, quite steep in some places and a lot of loose gravel, which made it difficult for Hjördís to walk without slipping. But we managed without slipping too much. Of course we took one or another photostop.
After trying to get some food at the area and miserably failing at that, we got ourselves some pizza and fish at Dalakófinn on our way home. In the evening Ingólfur and Hjördís went for a very nice ride alongside the sea ending at Húsavík.
04.07.2016 11:20
After being away for quite some time, we of course went to check our horses at Haga. First, they weren't too keen on having a look at us, but the promising sound of a ball full of bread convinced them. Fönix was first, followed by Kóngur and then Snerpa. Vordís and Rögnir more or less just rushed by. Snerpa still has an afro haircut, no idea when this will change. At least all of them were happy and healthy.
03.07.2016 10:39
Ridingtour and Landsmót
As Iðunn, Bjarni's daughter, was going to compete at Landsmót, she couldn't finish the ridingtour she was on and therefore Bjarni needed someone to jump in and help with the herd. We did so gladly and took 3 horses with us. Skuggi was already in the herd, List, Ögn and Ösp came with us.
The weather was good, Hildur and Anna Guðný, the other guides really nice, and there were a lot of happy riders from all over the world,too. The first day was quite calm, except for List and Ögn trying to leave the herd and then meeting Bjarni and his herd going the opposite direction. And of course going over the bridge in front of the herd is always good for some adrenaline.
We decided to sleep at home during the tour, so we went back after dinner.
Day 2 started in perfect weather with a broken cook's hand and a horse that tried again and again going back looking for his friend. Took some time to make Skuggi go the right direction, but he finally did. Was happy to be on List, which is very safe and fast on bumpy area. Unfortunately Skuggi wasn't the only horse trying to escape. After quite some ride a chestnut mare with blaze and socks suddenly decided she was too far away from home and it would be the last chance to turn around and go back. She was so determined that it was impossible to turn or reach her. I kept following her, but gave up when we reached the fence at the road and she started to head east. I just went off List and started walking her back to the place where the horses stayed overnight. Changed between walking and riding her, taking breaks inbetween. Finally Anna Guðný came with a fresh horse for me. Changed horses and took List as a handhorse. She was quite happy about that I think. Back at the farm we had to drive some horses into another fence, which turned out to be not as easy as we thought. When we finally had them where they belonged, we watched them rushing out on the other side of the fence as the gate there was open... Well, it was easier to get them in there again.
Day 3 I started behind the herd with a mare I got to know many years ago, when riding with Lóla. Gná is a very good herding horse, always willing and very strong. Unfortunately her brakes downhill behind the herd are not working too well, which is not so good on wet ground. But we managed.
At the next stop I changed to Ösp, which I start to like more and more. And last but not least I grabbed List to finish the tour. I thought she would be tired after the day before, but far from that. Her brakes do infact work a bit better than those in Gná. She wasn't happy about going downhill slower than the herd, but I couldn't just let her go with all the tourist behind me. Soon we arrived in Saltvík with a lot of happy riders looking forward to a hot pot and nice dinner.
It was a nice change to be in a ridingtour again, but you also see how different it is when you just go with your handhorse, can stop wherever you want and so on.
After sorting our stuff out, we left for Landsmót, which was this time in Hólar in Skagafjörður. We already bought our tickets in the presale, when they were on a really good price. Camping was, like always, included and so we found ourselves a nice, calm spot on the family camping area. We were surprised how close everything was. Just a few minutes walk and you were at the tracks. I really liked the way how everything was organised. The ridinghalls were used for gastronomy, in the older one they put a lot of sofas and made a very nice café there. In both places you were able to watch what was going on at the track on big screens, which came in especially handy when the weather wasn't perfect.
I was a bit disappointed that so many big companies boycotted this Landsmót and didn't come with their goods. So in fact if you wanted to shop horserelated stuff, you had little chance to do so. But on the other hand it's their miss.
There were soooo many good horses, it's hard to remember, which was THE best. But it was good to see some of the very high juged stallions, which got huge marks for conformation and ridden abilities, live and get your own impression. A good conformation is no guarantee for good looks under the rider.
Well, in my opinion it was a very good Landsmót and I would be more than ready to have it at Hólar soon again.
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