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Færslur: 2017 Janúar
29.01.2017 21:31
Snow! Part 2
After very little snow the last weeks we got some again last night. The horses liked it and our youngsters were very playful and full of energy today. Sjarmi, Fjördís surprisefoal, is very well integrated in the group and the sizedifference doesn't matter at all and as you can see on the pic, he tries his best to be the biggest in the group.
Snerpa still has her punkhaircut, eventhough one can already guess to which side the mane will go in the end. Fönix starts to look like a bodydouble of his mum, just the colour is a bit different. Rögnir is growing and has nearly reached his nephew and best friend Kóngur in height. Prímus is behaving like a little dictator, trying to keep the mares away from the youngsters.
22.01.2017 21:13
Lazy Sunday
At least for us and our horses as they had a day off. Not so Siffi and his horses, who we met when going for a ride. As you can see, people here dress the way you can easily spot them. Think it's really important, especially at this time of the year when it gets dark rather early.
Afterwards we took a drive to Ísólfsstaðir and checked our ridinghorses, which are still enjyoing their holiday, there. They are in really good shape eventhough they are still "just" feeding on dry grass, no additional hay. We'll fetch some of them home soon.
14.01.2017 20:56
Saturday car trip
Some days it's nice to take some time off and take a drive through the countryside, visit places and people. Today we wanted to check out different waterfalls in their winterclothes.
First stopp was River Laxá, which was guarded by huge icicles, the water playing around them, steadily forming new ones. An amazing view and hardly possible to catch in a picture.
Second stopp was Goðafoss, always impressive in it's winterclothes and always some tourists around.
13.01.2017 20:39
Finally some snow, maybe it will stay so we can go skiing. Our youngsters liked the powdersnow quite a lot and made everybody run crazy, galloping and bucking all around. They definitely enjoy life!
02.01.2017 20:03
Happy New Year!
Hope you had a perfect start into the new year 2017, we definitely had.
It was time to get our ridinghorses inside, at least start to fetch them from their winterpasture at Ísólfsstaðir. List and Ögn were not as happy about it as we were, but they'll have to work a bit for their food the next months. Not going to do them a lot of harm. Sæla joined them, too, as did Magnús' horses Þokkadís and Glói. All of them are going to get a haircut.
Magnús, Sigtýr and Embla will join them inside soon.
The mares, youngsters and foals got a new haybale today, Sjarmi getting nosier and nosier and already seeking a bit the human contact. And he likes to play with the plastic wrap of the haybales.
Due to the windy weather the horses were a bit tense and ready to run with the sightest distraction, showing off a bit.
High up in the sky there was a special view as there were rather many so called glitský (Polar stratospheric clouds, Polare Stratosphärenwolken), a wonderful spectacle of nature.
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