Eldra efni



Færslur: 2017 Febrúar

26.02.2017 13:31


Our ridinghorses were for the first time allowed to go to the bigger paddock, which we made in autumn. There's enough space for all horses, so they can stay away from those they aren't best friends with. Today the met Jón Óli's and Siffi's horses and of course there were some discussions about who's allowed to be where and who's the overall boss around. But as I said there's enough space, so the 2 groups just seperated afterwards and everybody was happy in his corner.






18.02.2017 13:03


What do you do when you have a few days off and your horses are having a break? Right, you go for a short vacation!
We drove east to visit Pétur and Marietta, have a look at their horses, eat and drink and have fun. It was cold, but no snow, so the landscape was covered with frost, making the surroundings looking very unreal. The beautiful light created a kind of magical atmosphere and it was nice to go for a photowalk.
Unfortunately we had to leave very surprisingly due to a case of illness in my family. Hope we are going to meet soon again.






12.02.2017 22:40

After a long break

we got a guest for a ride today. Hjördís asked if she could come and go for a ride on her Ögn, which we were very happy to grant her. So Ingólfur went on Sæla and Hjördís on Ögn and off they went despite the strong wind. First slow to get used to the feeling again, but on the way home the trust had come back and they gallopped the last hill. Nice to watch them together and quality time for father and daughter.






03.02.2017 21:54

A present

for our horses. A very late Christmaspresent I'd say as they got our Christmastree to play with. They got just that 1 tree, not a big amount. In the beginning, they were very surprised, but interested in this new toy, carefully approaching it, poking it with their noses and finally trying to eat it. I think they'll soon grab it and hit each other with it (at least if I know those little varmints right). It surely was a change of daily routine for them and they seemed to like it.






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