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Færslur: 2017 Júní
30.06.2017 14:14
Lightning, thunder
and hail it was today! Really unusual for Iceland, but there it was. First we thaught it was just very large raindrops, but when the sound grew louder we had a look outside and voila..it was hailing!
29.06.2017 18:13
A trip south
To be precise all the way to the international airport at Keflavík it was. We went yesterday to fetch my mum, who's gonna stay for about 2 weeks. Of course we used the chance and invited Hjördís to come, too.
We stayed at a flat in Reykjavík for one night and planned the next days as we wanted to take quite a detour on the way back home. Unfortunately the weatherforecast wasn't brilliant, so we decided to go not all the way to the Westfjords, but still take a tiny glimpse.
But first Reykjavík it was! We had heard about a new exhibition at the Pearl, where they rebuilt an icecave and an interactive show about glaciers. It was still the tryout period so they offered people to come and visit for just 1 ISK. We definitely liked what we saw and the glacier exhibition was a real highlight. We spent quite some time there and still didn't manage to try everything.
From there we went to Hallgrímskirkja and up the tower to get a good overview. After a short shopping stop we headed out of town in direction to Snæfellsnes. There weren't as many tourists as we'd expected and an easy drive. The first stop was nearly at the western end of the peninsula at Rauðfelðar canyon, which I didn't even know existed. It was very special to walk into a very narrow canyon, following a small river and just a little bit of light from above. As I was carrying my camera I didn't explore as far as Ingólfur and Hjördís, but got a good glimps inside.
On we went to Arnastapi and from there to the western end and back east on the northern side of Snæfellsnes, passing farms and villages. The plan was to stay overnight at Bjarkalundir, which is at the most eastern point of the Westfjords. But it still was quite a drive there. So we decided to stop að Búðardalur to get dinner. And wow, we weren't disappointed! The place itself didn't look special by the outside and the inside was rather interesting as the kitchen was a kind of hut inside the restaurant. But the food... delicious! So I recommend, that you stop by Veiðistaðurinn when you are hungry around Búðardalur!
From there we went more or less straight to Hotel Bjarkalundur, where the wellknown Icelandic tv-show "Dayshift" was filmed. There were even some of the props still there. Think I've got to watch it again!
After a good rest and breakfast we moved on to the Westfjords on a gravelroad (not my favourite) and even met a herd of cows on the way to Hólmavík. There we visited the Museum of Icelandic Sorcery and Witchcraft, where we got a lot of information about Icelandic sorcerers. Interesting fact is, it was mostly men accused for sorcery here. From there we went straight north, eager to get back home.
Nice to do a trip like that and see some areas not visited before.
26.06.2017 00:21
We took a short drive up to Þeistareykir today, had a look at the vegetation and where most of the sheep were to find. Surprisingly there were a lot around the hut, which I didn't expect. We looked out for Snilld and her rams, but she was nowhere to see. Instead we met Hrund's Skellibjalla and her lambs. She came to get a good scratch and enjoyed some help getting rid off the old wool.
You already saw that we have been pimping our trailer a bit the last days and today we finally put the new stickers on it. The original drawing is by Pétur Behrens, who gave me permission to change it into a vector graphic, which was used to cut the sticker.
We are really happy with the results, now we just have to cover up the leftovers of the original sticker.
Afterwards we helped Gísli putting two of his youngsters, which were going to their summerpasture, on the trailer before going for a quick ride ourselves. It's amazing to see all the different birds when you ride by the seaside. There was a rather rare guest, too. It was a Great Skua, probably the same bird that was here the last 2 years already. Its wingspan is up to 140cm! Great Skuas are more common in the South and Southeast, but there are a few couples nesting elsewhere around Iceland.
Just a little bit smaller is the Arctic Skua, with a wingspan up to 125cm. There are three colour morphs around: light, intermediate and dark. The later I got to see very, very close today as I got too close to its nest and it attacked me and Sigtýr rather fiercly always aiming for the highest point, which was luckily my helmet. I think Ingólfur got to watch quite a show as he chose the riding path further away of the nest and the bird decided I was more of a threat to him. I was very impressed, that Sigtýr kept that calm under airattack, with a "swooshing" sound following every charge, just when the Artic Skua came from the back, he wasn't sure if it wouldn't be better to run. Well, we survived but if the bird would just act like the Snipe and keep calm, when somebody comes closer, it would be easier for everybody.
Last but not least it was time to fetch some water and then release the horses back to the field, which always ends in a big run and jump.
25.06.2017 16:06
A long workingday
After a lazy Sundaymorning we started to fix the tarpaulin of our trailer as it was starting to ripp on top. Hope this will work out the way we were planning. Then it was time to check out if Þrá was ready for meeting the stallion we chose for her. She definitely was ready so we called our vet, who's the owner of the chosen stallion and asked if we could come with her straight away. Last year we left her with this stallion in the fence but had to get her straight away the next morning as he wasn't happy about her and threw her out of his group. Þrá definitely remembered him and started to show signs of stress and submission, but relaxed when she realised he wasn't going to harm her. She behaved a bit stupidly and made it difficult for Bósi to do his job, but in the end he managed. We'll bring her back there on Tuesday and then she'll stay at our vet's place and he'll keep her until she's finished in heat. Now we just have to monitor List as she's supposed to meet Bósi when she's ready, too.
It was nearly 8 o'clock when we left there and the plan was to drive Katla, Vordís and Krummi to Halldórsstaðir, where they are going to join a horsetrip this week. At least Katla and Vordís have to loose a lot of kilos before they start looking like ridinghorses again. They definitely had a far too good time during winter.
When we started our drive home from the first trip, I spotted a pair of red-throated divers with a young one, first time I ever saw them in nature. Luckily my camera was ready and Ingólfur ready to wait for me. So I slipped closer and got a few pics. The red-throated diver is the bird of the year in Iceland.
Next trip was fetching Krummi in Saltvík and getting him into the trailer. He wasn't happy about that and tried to avoid it as his best, but gave in in the end and just walked into the trailer. As it was that time consuming to get him in the trailer, we decided to drive him all the way to Halldórsstaðir instead of leaving him at Helluland, which was the first plan, as Kiddi had to drive horses from there up to Halldórsstaðir anyway. Krummi was happy to see the 2 mares already waiting there for him and left in a rush. On the way home we stopped at Helluland and had a nice chat with Kiddi, who was preparing his stuff for the horsetrip. Now it was already midnight and definitely time to drive back home.
Last stop was at our fence, where Ingólfur fetched our horses down from the hillside, where they had spent the day. Happy and tired when we finally arrived home. Some days are like this, but when the sun is shining, you stop looking at your watch.
24.06.2017 15:46
Stableimprovement III
The weather wasn't that good today, so we kept working on our small room in the stable. Ingólfur reinforced the wall whilst I started to cut and fit the insulation. Not my favourite job, but someone has to do it. After a while our carpenter arrived and had good advice for us how to do it the best way. Of course he helped, too, as he isn't a man of many words.
Now 2 walls are ready for cladding, just have to decide what we want to have there.
23.06.2017 15:32
Stableimprovement II
We kept on working today, this time we put up the grid for the wall, seperating the barn from the small room. Of course our carpenter was there again and when we finally got the right nails (I got the wrong ones in the store so we had to return and get new ones) things went really well. Next thing to do is fitting the insulation and putting plastic over it.
22.06.2017 00:04
Stable improvement
It was about time to keep going with the small room at our stable, where we cast concrete and put up the grid for one wall in autumn. We were so lucky to get a great carpenter with us so things would work out the way they were supposed to. Jón already waited for us when we arrived in Saltvík and he and Ingólfur started straight away to make a hole in the wall as the plan was to put in the new window for which Jón already made the frame. Whilst the guys were taking care of that with big machines, I went for a walk and cut down some weeds close to the riding track up to the stable. Better keep them small.
Then I waterblasted our trailer, something we try to do at least once a year. We emptied it completely and let it dry thoroughly afterwards. In the meanwhile Hrund came and went for a ride on both Vaka and Vigri and helpers for our carpenter arrived. So the window was in place in literally no time.
Ösp and Skuggi had to be moved to the summerpasture, so Ingólfur rode there whilst I finished fixing some gates and opened the gate to the hillside, where our horses are allowed to stay some time everyday.
Last but not least we took a drive to have a look at the youngsters at Hagi. They are doing very well, fat and happy.
21.06.2017 22:36
Springduties II
It was time to keep up with our springwork and today we took care of our big meadow down by the sea. There were a few haybales, that were not the exact taste of our horses and so there were some leftovers, which had to be taken away otherwise the grass below would suffocate as the layer was so thick. We put the old hay mixed with manure on the trailer and put it in different spots outside the field where it will make great fertilizer. Afterwards we scattered the manure with a big grid we got from Kiddi last year. Last but not least we emptied and cleaned the drinking trough. Now the pasture is more or less ready for next autumn, just the grass has to grow.
Great thing about this place is, that you can watch wildlife in the bay from there. I was lucky to see a Minke whale and two northern gannets feeding.
19.06.2017 00:52
There are not many plants that I try to get rid off, but we have 3 main "enemies" here, which we try to keep away from our stable, riding tracks and around our meadows. It's not easy, but we already can see success after displanting regularly. Those plants are the dooryard dock, the Nootka lupin and cow parsley and all three of them are really invasive.
So after our very nice evening ride, we started another round of cutting and pulling up weeds. First around the stable and then we went down to the riding track and kept going there. It's amazing how huge roots the dooryard dock gets, really difficult to pull them out. Well, I think we did quite a good job and came home around midnight tired, but content.
18.06.2017 23:44
was the destination of today. But first we had a lot of other things to do. Rögnir and Sjarmi had to get dewormed and their hooves trimmed, we had to fetch Vordís and move Þrá to another field. The youngsters were so eager to get some treats, they nearly devoured the wormertube, so easy play there. Just for fun we measured Rögnir and he's 135cm on the band, which means around 125cm on stick. Then we loaded Rögnir and Vordís and off we went. Rögnir went to Hagi, joining the other youngsters there whilst Vordís stayed in the trailer, heading to the next stop at Helluland, where Myrká came on board. Off we went to Skagafjörður, where the two ladies had a date at Íbishóll.
Vordís went again to Snillingur, so her next years' offspring will be a fullsibbling to Fönix. I asked for a mare, but we'll see.
Myrká went to Óskasteinn, which has been a dream of Ingólfur for quite some time. So we hope the best and it would be great to get 2 mares in foal back home.
And before I forget: it's Sigtýr's birthday today! He enjoyed it with his friends in the field, nobody bothering him.
17.06.2017 13:43
Gleðilega hátið!
Today's Iceland's Nationalday and as usual the local ridingclub offers the kids to go on horseback. We took part, like we always do, when we are home, and this time List and Embla were chosen. There were not as many kids as usual, which was quite nice for us. The horses were very patient and did a good job. Afterwards we rushed back to the field, where friends of us were already waiting for us to join us for a ride. Both of them haven't been on back for quite some time, so we chose calmer horses for them. Nevertheless it didn't end as well as we'd have loved to and half of the riders took a walk back home. At least it gave a good opportunity for a nice chat and making plans how to do better next. Hope it will work out that way.
I was invited out for dinner and on the way back we stopped at Helluland, where Kiddi just had saddled the fullbrother of Djákni, who's in Germany now. Good looking horse and in my opinion quite promising. He'll get a good break from tomorrow.
Last but not least I couldn't walk past the kittens...
16.06.2017 23:34
Iðunn had been teaching 9 kids during this week and today was the last lesson for this group. We decided to stop by and watch a bit. The kids were showing what they had learnt and in the end offered their family a ride on their horses. Was quite fun to watch the parents on horseback.
15.06.2017 08:49
There were still 2 sorts of potatoes waiting to be put into the garden, but we never had time to make a new patch in Jón's garden. And I was told potatoes here should be planted before June 17th... So it was time to do something for them and I was lucky enough to get Ingólfur as a partner in crime.
He was very quick to remove the lawn at a suitable place, fetched some sand for me and helped making a small windbreaker for the patch. The sorts we planted are called "Blauer Fingerling" ,a kind of blue almond potato, and "Magyar Rosza", a rather early Hungarian potato with white flesh.
Now we have 7 different kinds of potatoes, 3 of them with violet flesh, one red and the rest yellow/white. Sooooo much looking forward to harvesting in the autumn!
Last but not least we finally moved some of the ridinghorses to the field close to Húsavík. I bet they knew where we were going!
Our field is the one to the right.
14.06.2017 08:37
Things you have to do...
...but are not too keen to do. Castrating is one of them. Today it was Rögnir's turn to get castrated and eventhough it was decided long ago to do that, I was still in doubt about if or if not as I really like him as an individual, good looking, big, good gaits. But thinking about his pedigree, which is not in fashion, the way we'd have to keep him in the future and being more or less sure he'd not be used much as a stallion it was the best decision for all of us.
Rögnir wasn't too eager to get the second injection and put up quite a show, but it was useless, too many strong men around. The castration itself was very quick and after a few more minutes the now gelding woke up, was wise enough to not rise straight away and took his time to get on his feet. Afterwards he was allowed to get into the paddock and was comforted by his friend. A few more days of haltertraining and then he'll go and meet his friends at Haga.
13.06.2017 00:54
Yesterday we got the OK to come with the youngsters to the pasture at Hagi so we took first Fönix and Prímus there and released them in the field. They immediatly went off to check the area out and tease the sheep a bit. Now it was time to get Snerpa and Kóngur, which were waiting at the stable. It was nice to see how easy all of them were loading into the trailer, that's just the way it's supposed to be. When in Hagi, we opened the trailer and released them into their freedom. Prímus and Fönix were already waiting for them and they disappeared in an instant as you can see in the pic. They are gonna have a great time there!
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