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Færslur: 2017 Júní
12.06.2017 00:27
Fencemaking II
It was time to finish our fencework at Haga so we could finally release our youngsters there. So we got a roll of sheepnet, a few poles, our tools and off we went to Haga. It took quite some time to get rid off the old barbed wire, but in the end we managed to wind it up and put it away. Then we set the net and stretched it as much as we could. At 2 places we had to stack up stones under the fence so the sheep couldn't escape. Around 6 o'clock everything was ready and we headed over to Hólmavað where we just arrived in time to help fetching the first sheep going to the highlands inside. Snilld was already in the stable and of course begged for treats. It was nice to meet her and her boys a last time before they leave for the summer.
And to make the day just perfect, we went for a long eveningride with Franziska, who visited from Germany. She got Embla and it was easy to see how much she enjoyed the ride. We did too!
11.06.2017 23:47
That's what horsebackriding is. Therefore we encouraged Bjössi's family to come and take a ride with him, we'd be ready to borrow horses and tack. Today they finally managed to come and go for a trailride. Berta already had decided to take Glæta, so Bjössi got our Ösp and Rakel Embla. We met them when we were on the way to the stable and I got these nice shots of them.
Afterwards it was time to get the mares and youngsters up to the stable and Bjössi and Rakel were ready to help us. First step was catching Vordís, which was surprisingly easy, then we caught Þrá and Prímus, but couldn't get Fjördís. So we decided to lead these 3 horses and allow the rest to just come along free. That went well until we went out of the field. Rögnir denied walking through the open gate, rather running big circles on the fiel and neighing. After what felt like half an eternity we finally managed to get him out of the field and into the herd. From there everything went very well, nobody got lost on the way. In the stable we trimmed the hooves, gave dewormer and combed the bunch before settling them in for the night. Next steps will be seperating the mares and foals, drive Prímus, Fönix, Kóngur and Snerpa to the countryside and haltertrain Rögnir and Sjarmi. So there'll be enough to do the next few days!
10.06.2017 13:43
Benedikt Þór, Ingólfur's nephew, graduated from university today. Now he's a fisheries scientist and ready to start working.
Of course there was a nice party and we brought the cake. As a present we hid 10 flies for flyfishing in the garnish and he had to find them before anybody was allowed to have some cake.
When coming home we opened the upper part of our pasture for the mares and youngsters. We thought they'd take a rush and show off a bit, but they just started eating at the gate. At least Vordís took a small circle leading everybody and then they just returned to grazing, not looking up anymore.
09.06.2017 10:00
Firmakeppni Grana
The last days we were busy prepairing the annual Firmakeppni, a clubcompetition, where the local companies support the riding club with a donation. The winner of each class draws a company out of the pot and the company keeps the trophy until the next year.
We offered the son of friends to take part in pollaflokkur, the class for the youngest participants where you are allowed to lead the horse. He got my List and she took so good care of him, being much more patient with him than she'd ever be with me. This young rider started his career straight off with a 3rd place even before going to ridinglessons, which will start for him on Monday.
List wasn't happy that I had decided to take part, too, but did a good job, eventhough I hadn't been riding her the last due weeks due to being that busy. She forgot how to trott in the ovaltrack, but pace worked (as it more or less always does) and we got 4th in the ladies' class.
Ingólfur and Magnús took part in the gents' class and did very well, finishing in 3rd place.
I was so lucky that our little friend was very keen on taking care of List and she got the best treatment, grazing, claps, attention as much as she liked. She definitely enjoyed herself and followed him around wherever he went.
Afterwards we got coffee, cakes and waffers before going for a trailride. In fact I just went by car with my camera, but some others went for a ride. Ingólfur changed horses and took Sæla, who did very well.
Luckily we won't have to take care of this the next 3 years, as this duty is passed on to the other stable owners at Húsavík now.
05.06.2017 09:44
There are a lot of things to do when spring is finally here and one of them is fertilizing our meadows. We've been fertilizing them every year now, which makes the grassroot stronger and the meadow better prepared for our horses grazing there. This year the prices for fertilizer finally went down again, which means that hopefully more horseowners in our area are ready to buy it and do something good for their pastures (some have been neglecting them for quite some time). Today Bensi arrived with 1,2 tons of fertilizer and put it on for us. There's still 1 bag of 600kg waiting to be fetched and put out by hand... That'll be quite some work, but you can't use the tractor in the bumpy areas.
04.06.2017 09:31
A farewell
Today was not an easy one as Hjördís was moving back to Keflavík. Her mother and her fiance had decided to do so and we just had to accept that, nothing to do about it. That means for us, back to seeing her maybe once every second month instead of nearly every day and having her every second weekend. Flights are expensive and it's hard to find a fitting date, when you are in 10th grade and preparing for finishing school. Well, we'll just have to wait and see how that's gonna work out.
Hjördís spent some time saying bye with the horses before we went to the airport. Not and easy drive.
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