Eldra efni



Færslur: 2018 Ágúst

18.08.2018 22:37

Artic Foxes

A few days ago I got to know that there are 2 fox cubs living at our friend's farm. As I always wanted to meet some and get a closer look, watch them a bit and take some pics I asked Ingólfur to take a drive and go for a visit. When arriving, there was no sight of the bunch, but we got to know that they are afraid of one of the dogs and probably hiding under the porch. In fact they were happily playing in the field until the dog spotted and chased them. One hid in the round pen and the other one was chased by the dog until it hid in the old duckhouse. We managed to get our hands on the dog, so it wouldn't interrupt anymore. 
Now it was time to have a look at the one that hid in the round pen. It was rather nosy when spotting me and came running, but still keeping a safe distance. I decided to see what it would do if I gave it some horsetreats as they are irresistable for dogs. And believe it or not, the little guy was very interested and finally ate the treat, soon looking for more. After taking some pics, I saw that the other one was on it's way out of hiding and walked over, followed by my little friend. 
I got some really nice pics I'd like to share with you. What a special chance!









12.08.2018 22:50


It was time to check out our foals and spend some time with them, allowing them to get to know us a bit better. We are hoping for Ingólfur's foal to get a bit nosier about us, making us possible for us to touch it, lift the hooves and so on. Pandóra on the other hand has been quite interested in us, even staying when all the others already ran away.
Due to a lot of flies and a lot of stones to scratch itchy spots there's nearly no forelock left at Snerpa's head, hope that'll regrow when she hasn't that much urge to scratch anymore. The others don't look that bad, but have small wounds where the flies were most aggressive. The horses were happy to see us and all the bread and treats we brought with us. Both foals were nosy and approached Ingólfur, Pandóra mostly trying to eat him...
Soon it'll be time to get Kóngur and Snerpa home and start their training.





11.08.2018 21:59

Einarsstaðir & Dalvík

Unfortunately things didn't go as well as we hoped at the competition, as there were a lot of good horses to compete with. But as the weather was great, it was nice to be there and watch.
In the evening we joined a speedboattrip to Dalvík, where the Big Fishday took place that weekend. It always ends with a big concert and fireworks. It was definitely nice going there by boat as you see a lot of places on the trip you never see when you go there by road and the biggest plus is, you are not stuck in the traffic when going there and back again. The trip was special for me, first time on that kind of boat, the sea was very smooth on the way there, but not as smooth the way back, which was quite an experience. Anyway, we really enjoyed our evening!












10.08.2018 21:36

Training at Einarsstaðir

Like yesterday Ingólfur trained at the track at Einarsstaðir for the competition next weekend. Today he was joined by Sigrún Marta, who's gonne compete with her new mare in the kids' class. Things went fine for both of them today and so we hope it will be as good tomorrow. But only time will show.




02.08.2018 22:50

No foal for List

After being in doubt about List's pregnancy we finally let our vet check her just to get to know, that she was just obese but not in foal. Luckily Bósi had just arrived from the south and Vignir offered us to put her with him again if we'd like to, which we did.
I rushed with List and my camera to the field to be ready when the stallion would be released to his mares, which is usually quite an interesting moment. Bósi and Vignir came by car and as expected there was quite something going on, when Bósi was put into the field. Great opportunity for me! Now we just have to hope the best for List and probably doublecheck if she's pregnant or not, this time...












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