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Færslur: 2019 Apríl
25.04.2019 21:41
First day of summer
at least in Iceland. It's not always the warmest day, sometimes even snowing, but this year the weather was just beautiful, still and warm.
Last year we decided to have a ride on the beach and to repeat it this year. Well, first we thought nobody would take part as, when we arrived at the beach to take pics, there were just 2 trailers with 3 riders alltogether. Those 3 started early and were already on the way back when they met the others that had arrived slightly later. The early birds decided to join the rest and rode back the whole beach. After a short break we saw the riders were not heading back the beach, but riding into the fields above. In their opinion the beach wasn't good enough that day and decided to ride all the way back to Húsavík and meet for coffee in one of the stables. I had a lot of fun stopping here and there trying to getting good pics of the group.
Hope there'll be a ride like that again next year.
19.04.2019 15:10
A few fellow horseowners and riders decided to have a change of environment, put their horses on trailers and go for a ride on one of the mudroads nearby. I followed with my cam and enjoyed the beautiful weather whilst waiting for a good shot. Think both horses and riders enjoyed the ride, lots of happy faces. Should do that more often!
15.04.2019 14:11
Hjördís came for a short visit in her Easterholiday. She'll leave again after a few days as she had planned to spend Easter in London (first time!). Today she and her dad went for a nice ride whilst I was waiting to get a photoopportunity (which I got in the end). Afterwards we met the youngsters and Kóngur, Hjördís' young gelding, got some special treats from his owner.
I'm still on crutches, but already allowed to use my leg.
13.04.2019 12:58
The weather has been great the last days and we have been keeping our horses solely outside for more than a week now. They of course get their hay, as there's still not enough green grass. We try to feed them in different places as the stuff they leave and the seeds that are in the hay are great to improve the ground and change the flora in the field a bit. They are not always very fast when being fed, sometimes trying to make us feed where they are at that very moment, but in the end they always come and start looking for their food (even if there's some water in the way). Today Ingólfur had to persuade them and lure them to the hay with treats.
08.04.2019 12:39
Home again
...after a nice weekend in the south (got myself some lovely orchids) and my kneeoperation today. I got a new crossband in my left knee as I had ripped mine during our stay in Austria. Now my leg is still without any feeling and believe me, it's a really strange feeling when trying to put weight on your leg and the leg just gives away. So today I'll have to trust my right leg and the crutches. In case of emergency, Ingólfur has to assist. The leg is tightly wrapped in elastic bandage and I was advised to get rid off the stitches next Friday. My physiotherapist already booked me for a session tomorrow and if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been operated yet (got me an appointment at the orthopaedist in Reykjavík). So now it will be a lot of training the next weeks, crutches at the moment, but not sure for how long and hope for the best in healing. Well, won't go on horseback during summer I think, but I'll find something else to do!
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