Eldra efni



Færslur: 2020 Febrúar

29.02.2020 09:00


...we have to close the new field. Told you about the horses at Ísólfsstaðir getting a huge new field 2 weeks ago. Well, today we had to fetch them from there, bring them back to the meadow and feed them there as the weatherforecast wasn't good at all and one or another of the group had checked the fence and destroyed at some parts. 
So I went to fix the fence and fetch the herd with me down to the other field whilst Ingólfur and Óli started to move the haybales in the right place. I had no halter, but Ösp and Embla are used to be lead just on their "beard" and when there is the possibility to get some treats, they usually follow without anything. Wasn't sure about the rest of the herd, but when one gets moving the others usually follow. When arriving at the gate the horses already had noticed the hay and just rushed over to the other field. They got some vitamin and mineral lick, too, which they liked a lot. Everybody with brown lips after a few minutes.
Back home we had to dig up the watersupply for our outsidehorses and used the opportunity to finally set up the saltstoneholder which had been around in our stable for about 2 years... Pandóra of course had to have a close look and it was quite comical to watch her checking the new thing in the windshelter. 



26.02.2020 22:29

Just a small insight

into how we feed our horses in the field without a tractor. We usually have to feed these horses a big round bale once a week, depending on the weather and the hay we are feeding. The biggest challenge at the moment is actually to get to the gate of our fence as the snow is rather deep and it's not helping that the snow plow piles it up at our driveway. Well, we managed and dragged the round bale with our car to the right place for feeding. You can see Pandóra is rather nosy about all these things...


24.02.2020 21:49

Fönix and the roomservice

Fönix likes to get his minerals and oats, but in his opinion the roomservice is rather bad. No chance to get a refill and he even has to take care of getting the empty dishes out of his room...


23.02.2020 14:46

And the winner is...

... not Ingólfur, but he got 3rd in the indoor töltcompetition the local riding clubs held yesterday. He and Magnús did very well and it was fun to see how many actually took part. And we had a beertölt for the first time. 
Today we made the horses at Ísólfsstaðir very happy when we brought some bread along. Our friend Kiddi came along and together we had a look at Hugleikur, too.
We haven't been riding very much lately as the conditions outside aren't good and you can't even ride down to the riding hall most of the days as they riding track impassable. It's maybe cleaned in the morning, but a couple of hours later there's again a huge amount of snow on it. Not so much fun, but nothing you can do anything about. We'll just have to wait until the weather gets better.

















16.02.2020 10:07

No lambs for Snilld

Just got a call that Snilld is not going to have any lambs this year. There was a kind of liquid in her womb and it looks like I'll have to let her go in autumn. Sad, but at least she´ll have a good summer in the mountains without being responsible for her kids.

15.02.2020 14:46

Lucky horses

got a completely new field today. The herd at Ísólfsstaðir was lucky enough to get access to the last unopened part of the winterpasture. Now they can roam free on around 100ha! Think they'll try to find the best places to eat first and taste their way through the whole pasture. 
On our way back we checked on Hugleikur and Pandóra. Everybody's fine and in good mood in wonderful weather.
Ingólfur started to clean out the snow from the barn. Think it was at least 10 wheelbarrows full of snow...























14.02.2020 13:13

Storm number...

... no idea, stopped counting! This time it was that cold that the snowcristals were really fine and just sneaking in through the smallest tiniest little crack, which resulted in a huge snowpile in our barn and the stables. Not so much fun! Next thing to do, when the storm is over, cleaning out the barn...
Ingólfur made a beautiful cake for the local drama group which celebrates its 120th birthday this year. Looking good and hopefully tasting great, too.











08.02.2020 13:28

Believe it or not!

Most of the snow down by the seaside at Ísólfsstaðir is gone! And the horses enjoy it a lot, free access to the grass and soft and dry ground to lay down, roll over or take a nap. They were even more excited to meet us and the big bags of bread in our car's trunk. Everybody healthy and looking good.







04.02.2020 13:40


Pandóra is a little lookalike of her mum Vordís, but rather different in behaviour. Vordís is quite wary and likes to keep a distance to new and unexpected things whereas Pandóra is nosy and forward going. She's always the first to arrive when something is going on and checking on everything, which can be rather tiring when she's checking on fences or the waterhose... Sometimes I think she's a bit of an adrenaline junkie.
But she too knows how to present herself. Will be fun to see how she'll look in spring without her thick coat.





02.02.2020 13:34

Welcome home, Sæla!

We checked on our horses at Ísólfsstaðir yesterday and fed them, too. Today it was time to fetch Sæla and start to train her again after her autumn/winterbreak. She'll help us training the youngsters as she's a very reliable leading horse. Hopefully the weather will stay as beautiful as it was today for longer now.



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