Eldra efni



Færslur: 2020 September

28.09.2020 18:35


A few years ago we bought a gooseberry and a black currant bush and kept them in Jón's garden. They grew fiercly the last years and the birds were happily taking care of at least the black currants. 
When changeing a few things in the garden I got the idea to move the berrybushes and plant them where the hedge next to the walkway had been. I had purchased a red currant bush, too, so perfect to put the three of them there and some lilac inbetween (hope the lilac will survive the winter).
But to replant those 2 bushes I first had to get them out of the ground and give them a proper trim. To make a long story short, there wasn't much left of them when I was finished, but I hope they'll grow strong next spring.









19.09.2020 08:48

Laufskálarétt 2020

Took place without us because of the COVID measurements. Instead of going to Skagafjörður, we invited our friends Magnús and Ingunn to come over and spend the weekend with us. Nice to finally be able to offer our friends to stay overnight. Enough space.
We went for a very nice ride to Æðarfossar waterfall and from there to Kaldbak and back to the stable. Good hack out and our guests told us how lucky we are with the beautiful riding tracks around our place. We finished the day with delicious food and great stories told over a few drinks. 







17.09.2020 08:48


In the rules about keeping horses in Iceland there's a paragraph about mandatory windshelter in the pasture. If there's good natural shelter you are lucky and don't have to build a shelter, but better safe than sorry. In each of our 3 fields around Húsavík we've been building a windshelter. The first one in autumn 2007 and it was definitely time to renew the big beams holding the boards. In fact it was the first time we had to do it since the shelter was built. 
And the shelter down by the seaside was severely damaged after the big storms last winter. That means half of it just broke down, had to be removed and built up again.
This time we decided on a bit different design, made the angle a bit smaller and put boards instead of corrugated iron. Think that'll withstand the wind a lot better as you leave a small gap between the boards. 
Well, enough to do, but better have it ready before winter!











12.09.2020 13:14

Hraunsrétt 2020

Hraunsrétt was rather strange this year! The sheeproundup was organized the way that nearly nobody stayed at the mountain hut at Þeistareykir because of the COVID measurements. A few stayed in a caravan and 2 or 3 in the hut. Everybody else went home for the nights. Think it's not the worst way to do it as you rest a lot better in your own bed than on old and very thin mattresses in the cabin. Ella had been taking care of our food the last days and today there were just a few chosen ones who were allowed to attend the sorting. Depending on how many sheep each farmer has he was assigned a number of helpers allowed. Everybody had to have access to handsanitizer and it was banned to share alcohol.
Well, the sorting went indeed better than usual as there were fewer people just standing around and watching, but everybody helping and trying to get the sheep to the right place.
This year it was Snilld's last sorting as she's already rather old, thin and missing a lot of teeth. But she came home with both lambs. She'll get a good time on the meadow before we have to say goodbye. At least she'll get as many treats as she wants before that.

























06.09.2020 12:46

Busy day

There was quite a lot to do today and our day rather long. 
First we were asked to help gathering the sheep at Klambrasel like we did the years before. Of course we joined as it is fun and always good the be able to help friends. Ösp wasn't too happy about being left alone with me and not going for a fun ride on the highlands but having to work. But no need to complain and she did a really good job.
Afterwards we got a phonecall from our friend Dóri if we'd be available to take pics when he arrives with the herd on his way to Halldórsstaðir in Laxárdalur. It was quite some time we had to wait for them and in the end it was already getting rather dark when they crossed the river. But I think I got some nice shots.





























05.09.2020 12:36


As the sheeproundup will be next week we thought it might be interesting to have a look how things are up in the mountains. It had been snowing quite a lot the days before but the snow was almost gone when we arrived up there. Few sheep to see, we hope the gathering will be successful next week.









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