Eldra efni



21.10.2018 22:47

Of sheep and men

Autumn is herding time and today we helped fetching the lambs back home. Nice to watch all these woollen balls hopping and running (not always in the right direction, but on the move) and thinking about all the wonderful stuff one can make out of it. The Icelandic sheep is one of a few breeds worldwide which is still changeing their fur each year, so in early spring it would be possible to just take the old coat off. In fact most farmers shear their lambs and sheep when taking them inside the stable to not spill the wool with letting it get dirty.
As the farmers don't get paid a lot for the wool nowadays and the pricedifference between white and coloured wool isn't that big, more and more farmers keep coloured sheep instead of just having white ones. Nice to see the different shades in the colours.













14.10.2018 21:32


The windshelter close to our stable was getting quite worn and ugly and there has been the plan to overhaul it. When taking a closer look we decided it would be better to tear it down and just build a new one. Now it was time to get that going and put up the new posts before the ground freezes. The middlepost was left to be, but we put down 6 new ones around. Next step will be mounting the joists before deciding what to put on them (planks or corrugated iron).








07.10.2018 20:29

Home, sweet home

It was time to fetch Rögnir, the mares and foals from their summerpasture and move them back home to the big meadow down by the sea. There was enough grass and Þrá shouldn't get thinner. 
First step was to catch the mares and Rögnir. He was supposed to load into the trailer straight away whilst we planned to walk the mares and foals over to Hólmavað and load them there with more secure fences around. Rögnir just walked into the trailer like a pro and the foals followed their mums without trouble over the bridge over River Laxá. At Hólmavað we wanted to load Þrá and her foal, but the foal had other plans. First it broke a fencepart and refused to follow Þrá into the trailer. So in the end we had to catch it, put a halter on it and get it into the trailer like that. Well, now the little guy is halterbroken.
After moving the first batch we came back to fetch Vordís and Pandóra. That was rather easy, the little lady more or less followed her mum into the trailer.
Back home the five inspected their new/old home and started grazing after a few rounds running wild. Good to have them so close again!





06.10.2018 21:49


Our ridinghorses already started their autumnbreak and today we removed their horseshoes, clipped their hooves and dewormed the whole bunch. Then it was time for them to go to Ísólfsstaðir, where they'll spend their holiday together with other horses, most of them already know.
Ögn and List were the first ones to go and were welcomed by Friðbjörn's 3 horses. When we came back with the next load of horses, the mares had already found the way to the best part of the pasture, the haymeadow, and were happily grazing there, not spending any attention to the other horses. Well, that wasn't exactly the way we had planned things to go, especially as List is really fat and has to loose some weight, which she won't being on the sweetest and richest part of the grazing area.  We decided to have a closer look at that after transfering all the horses. 
Embla and Sæla where the last ones to arrive, joining Magnús, Sigtýr, Ösp and Skuggi and Friðbjörn's horses. After releasing them we walked Ögn and List over to where they should be and closed the gate so they won't be back straight away. The meadow will be opened, when they have little left at the other place. Hopefully not before December, but we'll see about that. 
Next thing on the To-Do-List is getting the foalmares, foals and Rögnir home. 




30.09.2018 21:54

Laufskálarétt 2018

We just came home after a wonderful weekend in Skagafjörður, where we joined for the annual Laufskálarétt. It was a very relaxed time, good horses, good food and good conversation. That's the way it should be.




23.09.2018 16:18

Sunny Sunday

Great weather today! 
When we went to check on our horses we saw that the 3 sailing vessels of Northsailing, which had been to Greenland, were arriving back home, displaying all their beauty infront of Kinnarfjöll Mountains. A real majestic view!
Afterwards we went to Ísólfsstaðir to renew our rental contract for the winter pasture, which in fact ment to go for a visit, chat with Joel and his wife Sigga, talk about sheep and how the summer has been and then getting to know their bottle lamb. Of course we were able to renew the contract and will start moving horses there some time in October.






18.09.2018 15:22

Sheeproundup - part 2

Ingólfur was supposed to join the second roundup this Friday, but the weatherforecast was that bad, that the farmers decided to accelerate the roundup and cover the whole area in just 1 day instead of 2. Therefore Ingólfur took 2 horses with him, to have the possibility to change horses and don't ask too much of a single horse.
My job was to do my working day at school and then take a nice drive to Þeistareykir and fetch Ingólfur there. Well, didn't work out like that! I got a call from Bensi, who told me that Rut would meet me at Húsavík and we should drive to the very startingpoint from this morning, where we had put the horsetrailer to my car and I was supposed to follow the riders with the car and trailer, whilst Rut rushed home to get another trailer for some sheep.
Quite adventurous driving a very rough road with a horsetrailer attached to the car. I wasn't going very fast I admit.
Was quite happy when I finally met the other drivers and riders and we waited together for the last ones to arrive. Not too many sheep today, but good we got them!





15.09.2018 14:57

Building up winterstocks

Lucky me! When taking a drive today we got a call from our friend Bjössi inviting us over to go fishing in the sea. Of course I accepted the invitation, grabbed my stuff and met Bjössi at the harbour. His dad owns a small boat called "Afi"-"Granddad" and after a short chat we left the harbour to find a good place and fetch some cod.
There was even a fish radar on board, so we were able to find good places to try our luck. First there was nothing, but then we got one and one, and Bjössi was especially lucky getting tiny haddock, which he kept throwing back to the sea.
It was nice to have a look at the new seabath up on the cliff and watch the waterfall coming down straight to the sea. After about 2 hours we decided it would be enough and went back to the harbour, where Bjössi filleted the fish and to my big surprise gave the whole lot to me! 









09.09.2018 14:31


Réttardagur - Sortingday! One of my favourite days in the year, the day where you meet your sheep and lambs again, hopefully in good condition and great spirits after a summer in freedom. All of them very wooly and in different shades. 
Our friends from Swiss attended, too, and we showed them how to grab sheep and lambs, check the number and bring it to the right place. Fun to watch and help them. 
Snilld and one of her sons were in the group we fetched today, no idea where the second one is.
Driving them home went well, Rut was in front of the herd whilst Hrund, Arnar Ingi and Ingólfur guarded the sides and a group of pedestriants walked behind them.
Next step is separating the lambs and ewes and weighting the lambs.











08.09.2018 14:15


Same procedure as every year -  it was time to round up the sheep and bring them back to the valley. This year Ingólfur will join the second roundup and didn't ride with the farmers now. But for a change we had nice visitors and were able to show them a bit around and explain one or two things. We already met them a few days ago and had dinner with the group og veterinarians from Switzerland. Today we met them at Þverá and showed them the differences in the 2 kinds of Icelandic sheep, the different colours and differences in wool quality. Very interesting for me, too.
And there was a big improvement at Þverá: there's a new fence helping the herders keeping the sheep where they should be whilst taking a break!
When watching the huge herd coming down I spotted Snilld and one of her boys, hope the other one will be around, too, but we'll get to know that better tomorrow.






02.09.2018 14:00

Sunday - Foalday

Time for one of the regular checks at Hagi. There are just the mares, foals and Rögnir left there, still enjoying the wonderful weather and the very diverse area. So much to explore, different places to be, areas to feed and holes to drink from.
When having a look one could think Þrá's foal would belong to Vordís as the little stallion follows her like a shadow whereas Pandóra keeps her big brother busy.








18.08.2018 22:37

Artic Foxes

A few days ago I got to know that there are 2 fox cubs living at our friend's farm. As I always wanted to meet some and get a closer look, watch them a bit and take some pics I asked Ingólfur to take a drive and go for a visit. When arriving, there was no sight of the bunch, but we got to know that they are afraid of one of the dogs and probably hiding under the porch. In fact they were happily playing in the field until the dog spotted and chased them. One hid in the round pen and the other one was chased by the dog until it hid in the old duckhouse. We managed to get our hands on the dog, so it wouldn't interrupt anymore. 
Now it was time to have a look at the one that hid in the round pen. It was rather nosy when spotting me and came running, but still keeping a safe distance. I decided to see what it would do if I gave it some horsetreats as they are irresistable for dogs. And believe it or not, the little guy was very interested and finally ate the treat, soon looking for more. After taking some pics, I saw that the other one was on it's way out of hiding and walked over, followed by my little friend. 
I got some really nice pics I'd like to share with you. What a special chance!









12.08.2018 22:50


It was time to check out our foals and spend some time with them, allowing them to get to know us a bit better. We are hoping for Ingólfur's foal to get a bit nosier about us, making us possible for us to touch it, lift the hooves and so on. Pandóra on the other hand has been quite interested in us, even staying when all the others already ran away.
Due to a lot of flies and a lot of stones to scratch itchy spots there's nearly no forelock left at Snerpa's head, hope that'll regrow when she hasn't that much urge to scratch anymore. The others don't look that bad, but have small wounds where the flies were most aggressive. The horses were happy to see us and all the bread and treats we brought with us. Both foals were nosy and approached Ingólfur, Pandóra mostly trying to eat him...
Soon it'll be time to get Kóngur and Snerpa home and start their training.





11.08.2018 21:59

Einarsstaðir & Dalvík

Unfortunately things didn't go as well as we hoped at the competition, as there were a lot of good horses to compete with. But as the weather was great, it was nice to be there and watch.
In the evening we joined a speedboattrip to Dalvík, where the Big Fishday took place that weekend. It always ends with a big concert and fireworks. It was definitely nice going there by boat as you see a lot of places on the trip you never see when you go there by road and the biggest plus is, you are not stuck in the traffic when going there and back again. The trip was special for me, first time on that kind of boat, the sea was very smooth on the way there, but not as smooth the way back, which was quite an experience. Anyway, we really enjoyed our evening!












10.08.2018 21:36

Training at Einarsstaðir

Like yesterday Ingólfur trained at the track at Einarsstaðir for the competition next weekend. Today he was joined by Sigrún Marta, who's gonne compete with her new mare in the kids' class. Things went fine for both of them today and so we hope it will be as good tomorrow. But only time will show.




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Tölur uppfærðar: 23.2.2025 17:49:24