Eldra efni



18.08.2014 09:01


Time to check out our horses and see how they were doing whilst I was away. 
Of course they did well and Fönix was growing a lot. He gets more and more interested in people and definitely has to check everything out. In fact he reminds me a bit of a gangleader...

15.08.2014 17:05

Summerholiday and good news

I spent a bit more than 2 weeks in Austria, visiting friends and spending time with my family. Time just flew doing so many things like going to the zoo, meeting Margit and Gerti and their horses, looking for mushrooms in the forest and so much more. 
Whilst my stay Ingólfur and Hjördís asked the vet to sonarcheck Ögn and List and both mares are in foal with our Sigtýr. We hope everything will go well as these will be his one and only offspring. He's gonna be castrated later this autumn.

27.07.2014 22:59

A day off

Whilst Ingólfur took care of our hey, I enjoyed some time off.
First I went to the forrest to pick some king bolete and got about 4kg in no time. Afterwards I visited the horses and spent quite some time there. My goal was to finally get to touch Fönix. I knew he was very nosy and especially interested in my camera. First it was a bit difficult to get close to him as the other horses were of course interested in me and closed in on me. But when they realized I had no bread with me, they more or less left me alone and Fönix got a chance to have a look. He was a bit shy and not so keen to be touched in the beginning, but when he found out, it's actually very nice to be scratched, it was hard to get rid of him again.

26.07.2014 22:40


As I told you before, I was busy baking weddingcakes on Friday.
Ingólfur's nephew was going to marry and he ordered Sachercakes, which meant it was my turn to bake.
Here you can see the results. They didn't just look good, but tasted very nice, too!

25.07.2014 19:30


Finally we went for a great horsetrip with our friends from Miðsitja. Last year we already did a great tour in our area, this year we went a bit further east. 
Magnús, Ingunn, Biggi, Ása, Manni and Ingó joined us, Biggi and Manni mostly taking care of the car and snacks. For Manni it was his first horsetrip and I think he really enjoyed it. He lives in Australia and is 15 years old. Despite of his young age, he has a very good eye for pics and I invite you to have a look at the pics he took in Iceland during summer --> click
Our trip started on Tuesdayafternoon and we had a very nice ride on the sands in Kelduhverfi. The horses were fresh and enjoyed running in the good weather. In the evening we made a short trip into Ásbýrgi, which was very special and nice to experience the huge canyon from horseback.
Wednesday we went from Kelduhverfi through a birchforest up to Þeystareykir. The horses already knew how to behave in a herd and lined up very nicely. We could stop them wherever we wanted to take a break, which was indeed very nice. Biggi grilled delicious lamb in the evening and we had a nice eveningwalk up on Bæjarfjall.
Thursday was Magnús' 60th Birthday and we started the day with a celebration. From Þeistareykir we went down Geldingadalur to Skógarrétt and from there over Hvammsheiði to Hólmavað. We had all kinds of weather that day, from hot sunshine to rain and even thunder. In the evening Magnús invited everybody out for dinner and we had a very nice evening at Gamli Baukur. 
Friday, the last day, I didn't join the others as I was baking for a wedding on Saturday, but sent Bjössi instead. They went from Hólmavað down to Skjálfandafljót and followed the river up to Fossholl, where they ended the day. I think everybody enjoyed the trip in good weather and I'm sure it wasn't our last trip with this group!

18.07.2014 18:55

Good to be young

and have as much free time as you like! Fjördís and Perla were so relaxed when we visited them, they didn't even have a look at us. Fönix, Þyrnirós and the others on the other hand were very interested in us and had a very close look at me and my camera.

09.07.2014 18:22


Just arrived home, we went for a nice daytrip to Lake Mývatn. We had a short walk in Kraflaarea, where you definitely can feel the power underneath. Afterwards we walked to a place where you can find Obsidian and it was amazing to see, how different it can be. Different colours, different structures and more.

08.07.2014 16:55


We decided to take a trip to Landsmót in Hella and combine it with a small camping holiday.
On the way south we went over gravelroads to avoid driving through Reykjavíkarea. It was quite bumpy at some places, but the beautiful landscape compensated for it. We found a nice spot at the campsite very close to the competition area and put up our huge tent. Hjördís was so lucky to meet her best friend there and so she wasn't bored sitting and watching horses with us. The first night we slept rather little as there was a party around the next tent and people walking more or less over us. The next night was a bit better, especially as it rained a bit and they didn't want to stay outside.
There were exceptionally good horses at Landsmót, but we saw horses, that didn't stand up to their reputation and breeding assessment, too. But good to see stuff like that "live" so you can get your own opinion about these horses. I really liked the two sons of Geisli frá Sælukoti, that reached the A-finals in Fivegait. Especially Nagli reminded me of our Sigtýr and I hope he'll get a bit like Nagli in the future. 
Sunday after Landsmót we drove further east, stopping at Seljalands- and Skogarfoss, tenting at Kirkjubæjarklaustur. It was a big difference to stay at that quiet campsite! In the morning we visited our friend Lilja, who was taking care of the familyhotel Hotel Laki and invited us for delicious breakfast.
Afterwards we went to Höfn for lunch and then straight up over Öxi to Egilsstaðir, where we surprised Pétur and Marietta with our visit.
Well, it was good to come home after all.

03.07.2014 08:09


has started her basic education. She had been more or less "untouched" until now, except of course for being dewormed. It wasn't her favourite thing to get the halter on, but as you can see on the pics, she behaved very well, the moment it was on. 
Now she'll go to the summerpasture and old Perla will be her nanny.

30.06.2014 22:23

Visiting the East

Summertime - time to travel a bit. We used the good weather and made a trip to the East, visiting Pétur and Marietta. Except talking and watching a lot of horses, we took a drive to Seyðisfjörður as I've never been there before. It was quite impressive to see all the snow in middle of June when going over the mountains. 

26.06.2014 21:50

Not only horses...

...but soccer, too, are Hjördís' hobbies. She started to train with the local club during last winter and has made good progress since then. While she is staying with us, we of course accompany her to the games and are proud to see her making steps forward.

20.06.2014 21:08


Today we got visitors from Germany. Gabi and Jutta had booked a ridingtour at Saltvík, but came a day earlier to spend some time with us and visit our horses.
First we had a look at Fönix and weren't disappointed as all of the horses decided to check us out thouroughly and we got a good look at all of them. Vordís wasn't too eager to meet us, but Fönix was, so she had to follow to have an eye on him.
Afterwards we visited Sigtýr, List and Ögn, who are enjoying luscious fields and getting fatter and fatter.
It was nice meeting Gabi and Jutta and we hope they'll have a very nice trip on horseback for the next days!

15.06.2014 17:03

Love is in the air

Sigtýr is in love and hopefully both mares are in love with him!
Ögn and List are going to spend their summer with Sigtýr and we hope to get 2 supreme ridinghorses out of this combination. He already covered both of them and now we have to see, if it worked out. Keep our fingers crossed! Of course we "ordered" 2 mares. 

09.06.2014 16:56


Time for the summerpasture! 
The last days we dewormed all our horses and trimmed the hooves before we moved them 2 and 2 to the pasture in Hólmavað. Some of them are going to stay there all summer, others will be moved to Haga, just on the other side of Laxá.
Today it was Vordís, Þyrnirós and Fönix that got a ride in the trailer. Good I had the camera ready when we let go of Vordís! She just disappeared with the group in full speed, happy to get her freedom.

08.06.2014 17:23


This are the cakes for Thelma Dögg, who had her confirmation at Pentecost, along with a lot of her friends. As she is a passionate horsegirl, she ordered cakes with horses on. Think she liked them a lot and we got everything right as the horse, I used as a model for the fondanthorse on the cake was actually the horse she got as a present from her parents!

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