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13.02.2011 07:29
Foalshow in Saltvík
Yesterday the annual foalshow of the local Horsebreederassociation took place in Saltvík. Fridayafternoon everything was prepared, a showring built, programs printed and the "coffehouse" set up.
As Sigtýr and Embla were supposed to take part in it, we walked them and their mothers up to the stable. Both enjoyed to run over the big field, leaving their mums a bit worried ;-)
Around 30 foals took part, the Saltvíkstable was filling up with young horses and the ridinghall with visitors.
Sigtýr showed himself very well, showing all gaits including natural, flowing tölt with good movements. He came to the second round and was put in place 4-6, which was actually better than we expected.
Embla was tölting very much, but that´s not necessarily what the judges want to see ;-)
There were a lot of really good foals, showing especially good trott with wide and high movements, some of them tölting and pacing too.
The stallionfoals in places 1.-3. (not in the right row) were Hjörtur frá Húsavík, Bessi frá Húsavík and Hlynur frá Viðivöllum, the first 3 marefoals Óskhyggja frá Húsavík, Draumadís frá Garði (she was chosen most beautiful foal too) and a brown daughter of Kappi frá Kommu.
Farsæll got a chance to show himself too and ran a few rings, both in trott and gallopp.
It was a really nice afternoon and I attach a few pics of our horses. The others will follow soon as a picturealbum.
05.02.2011 12:12
Life in Saltvík
Kiddi, owner of Askur, Áli and Negla, used the chance to take Djákni, his young stallion, with him and go for a ride with Ingólfur and Negla to show him a bit more of the world as he said ;-)
But these 2 were not the only ones to go for a ride! Bjössi and his daughter saddled their horses and enjoyed a fast ride.
There are now around 30 active riders in Saltvík and the number is growing as ridingschool will start soon.
We took List and Magnús inside and Askur went back home to Helluland. Áli will stay another week and then go back. We are gonna miss Askur.
Djákni frá Hellulandi
04.02.2011 11:43
Finishing "Elementary School"
Askur is doing so well that Ingólfur can already ride him alone on walk and trott/tölt in the ridinghall. He is eager to please his rider and we are really happy how he developed.
Áli needed a bit longer but Ingólfur started to ride him on walk inside the ridinghall and that just worked fine. He made a big step forward the last 3 days and I think he´ll be as easygoing as Askur after another week of training.
Farsæll is doing fine too. I already went on back and Ingólfur led us a few circles inside. Funny feeling to be the first time on back and he definitely feels bigger than he is looking ;-)
We used the wonderful weather and took a few pics of the boys outside.
Askur frá Hellulandi
Áli frá Hellulandi
31.01.2011 15:28
Training, training and more training
Well, let´s see how the other horses are doing:
Áli frá Hellulandi is a bluedun son of Galsi frá Sauðárkroki and Dvöl frá Syðri-Brekkum. He is brother to Kyndill and Garri frá Hellulandi, both competitionhorses. Áli is calm in handling, but it sometimes takes him a bit longer to get comfortable with a new situation. Ingólfur has started to mount him and ride a bit inside. He is taking that well. Áli shows powerful and wide movements in trott and we are sure it is not long till he´ll start to tölt.
Askur frá Hellulandi is a bay son of Dalvar frá Auðholtshjáleigu and Slaufa frá Hellulandi. We had his brother Orión in training 2 years ago and just like him he ist learning very fast and eager to do everything right. He is very attentive and it is very giving to work with him. Ingólfur is already riding him loose inside. Askur shows high and wide movements, carrying himself very well. Sometimes he shows tölt while longeing him.
Skömm frá Hellulandi is a darkred daughter of Hróður frá Refsstöðum and Rós frá Hellulandi. She had a foal last summer and just started her training a week ago. When she came she was a bit shy and insecure, but she is getting more and more selfconscious and trusts us better and better. Skömm is now learning the basics, being led and longed and so on. She is a fast learner and tries to make everything right. Often you can really see that she is thinking about what to do, when she is confronted with a new task. It is fun to work with her!
Negla frá Hellulandi is a black daughter of Nagli frá Þúfu and Lukka frá Hellulandi. She is sister of our mare List, but you wouldn´t believe it, if you saw them next to each other...
Negla is already trained and just for "polishing up" with us. Ingólfur always says about her, that she´s the kind of horse, he´d like to have in his toybox as it is so much fun to ride her. She is willing, but listens really well. She needs a bit more power in her hind and then....
Last but not least, there is Tína frá Húsavík, a bluedun daughter of Kamban frá Húsavík and Stína frá Húsavík. She was already with us in spring but she got sick like most of the horses, so we had to stopp her training and take her again in now. In the begining she was quite nervous and had difficulties to concentrate, but after a few weeks of training, we found together and Sigga, her owner already took a few circles inside on her.
Áli, Askur and Tína will leave us soon. Negla and Skömm stay a bit longer and we are looking forward to work with them.
I attach a pic of Negla from last spring and hope the weather is soon good enough to take new pics of all trainingshorses!
01.01.2011 06:37
Happy New Year!
May all your good wishes come true.
Horsetraining has started here and we have a few youngsters inside to do the basic training. Áli (son of Galsi) and Askur (son of Dalvar), both frá Hellulandi, have started their training and are doing very well. Especially Askur promises to become a very good looking riding/competitionhorse. In Icelandic you call a horse like that "Töffari".
Kátína and Farsæll are inside too and do their first steps in training. Both are doing well, but Kátína will get a break soon and go out into the field again.
Our foals are well and Sigtýr starts to be really interested in people. Hope he is keeping that ;-)
Embla would just love to follow us everywhere. Looks like she thinks about herself like an oversized dog...
29.08.2010 00:32
Icelandic icecave
Sævar does guided tours in Mývatnarea and around Akureyri and offers a tour to Lofthellir. His jeep is on extra big tires so it's no problem to go the bumpy way to the cave. During the trip we stopped and had a great view over Mývatn and its surroundings. The last part of the way we walked over a lavafield, carrying our equipment (special rubberboots, helmets, lights and stuff to repair the broken lock) to the cave.
After changeing into the boots and putting on our helmets we climbed down the ladder and waded through to the entrance. Now I understood why people that are not in a reasonable physical condition are asked not to do the trip! You have to crawl through a tiny hole into the cave. When you are through you are in a wonderland made out of ice. We had a really good and interesting time in the cave and it´s difficult to describe all the impressions. I attach a few pics now and put in an album the next days. If you are interested in making this trip just have a look at Sævar´s homepage: http://www.sagatravel.is
16.08.2010 18:26
Sundaymorning we got a call from Kiddi, that there was a black and white something with the mare, he was not sure which gender, but already walking around and quite big.
So we had to have a look and took a drive to say "Hello" to our new foal. When we arrived it was relaxing next to its mum and just risked one eye to have a look at us. Finally it got up and then we saw, how big it is and checked the gender. We were happy to see that it is a young lady we got. She is more black than white and has a line in her face.
Now we hope everything is going fine and she´ll do well growing up. The only thing missing is a beautiful name, but that shouldn't be too much trouble to find one.
08.08.2010 03:32
Holiday V
Sunday, Sunday what should we do? We had an invitation to a birthday party at 3 o'clock, but what to do till then? Why not having a look at Prater, the big amusement park in Vienna? I think, everybody knows the Giant Wheel, which is one of the emblems of Vienna. The weather was beautiful and so we started our walk in Prater in good mood, nosy about what would await us and which attractions Hjördís would like to try out.
I made them try out my old favourite, the 60 years old Hochschaubahn for kids, where you take a trip through the Austrian Alps. Afterwards we had a look at the highest merry-go-round in the world, where the tower has a height of 117m and the passengers are in around 95m height, enjoying a wonderful view over Vienna from their seats. Actually, you'd have to pay me a huge amount of money to try that one! I'm not so much for heights.
Ingólfur and Hjördís tried to crash into as many others as they possibly could while driving the electric crash car. Think they had quite some fun there.
Next thing to try was the Donaujump, where you take a trip in a boat and splash as much as you can ;-) Afterwards the Wildalpenbahn was tried, but I think it was quite a wild ride, at least if you judge after the faces of Ingólfur and Hjördís afterwards.
Well, we took a break and helped ourselves to some Langos, which is a kind of fried dough with a huge amount of garlic on it. It is actually just good as long as it is hot, but you don't dare to throw away the rest of it.
After a quick shower we were ready to join Philip in his birthday party. When we arrived, he was still asleep, so there was a chance to hide his presents, as he wasn't supposed to open them straight away. Soon he woke up and then we just had to wait for the last guests. Both great-grandmothers, all grandparents and even his uncle and aunt were there to congratulate him. Well, we actually didn't stand a chance after he had opened the first presents. He got a monkey, which I already named King Kong after he was used to scare people in Philips new car garage. At least we were allowed to play with him with his new stuff ;-)
My brother was playing with Philip and Hjördís and while watching the wild game, it popped into my mind that it must have been similar, when my Uncle Thomas was playing with the bunch of us. Now I understand why we had to do that in a special room.
In the evening we met my friend Rita and her little daughter Amelie and had some ice-cream together. We had a nice chat and it was good to meet them.
It was a very amusing and good day, we really enjoyed!
07.08.2010 03:19
Holiday IV
Well, we haven't been blogging for some days, but there's a good reason for that: we were out of connection ;-) We used the last days to travel a bit around Austria.
Wednesday we started our trip and went first to visit our friend Margit in Liezen, where she works at Josefihof with training Icelandic horses and teaching their riders. She showed us their stable and their riding hall. Would be great, to have something like that. At least I wouldn't say no, if somebody would offer something similar to me!
Afterwards we went to Hallstatt to see the salt mines there. People have been mining for salt in this area for more than 3000 years. The mine we visited is still in use and there will be enough salt for at least the next 200 - 300 years! If you'd like to get an impression about what is going on there, visit their homepage http://www.salzwelten.at
I think, the highlight of this tour was the 64m long slide, where they took your speed and a picture of you. At least Hjördís liked that best ;-)
Then we had a quick look around Hallstatt, stopped in the salt shop to get some souvenirs and had a short picnic at the parking place and continued our trip to Waldviertel, where my parents own a summerhouse at a very beautiful and well hidden place. The house itself is partly overgrown by plants, so it starts to be more and more part of the surrounding garden. It is a paradise for wildlife, a lot of birds and other small animals have their home around the house. Well, the neighbour's cats actually move in when my parents are there, too. Always good to have a secure food source, isn't it?
After a good night's sleep we went to the forest to collect wild mushrooms. I actually found some quite in the beginning, so I had hope to find a few more. Hjördís found a frog, but refused to kiss him. So we don't know if it was a prince or not.
Well, to say the truth, we were not really successful in finding mushrooms, just got a few. But nevertheless we had a really good walk through the forest.
In the afternoon we practised the art of archery. My dad has always been a bit weak for that and so my brother and I learned quite early how to use a bow and an arrow. We were pleased to see that my dad finally got himself a good target so we could tryout his crossbows too.
When Hjördís saw what we were up to, she really wanted to try too. The moment it was her turn, she was a bit shy in the beginning, but then tried and did it really well.
We warmed up with the small crossbow, which is actually more a toy compared to the big one. After trying the real thing we switched to regular bows and tried our luck with that. Not so easy.
On Friday my parents joined us and we had a good time together. At lunchtime we grilled nice steaks, nearly too much, but in fact too good not to finish them. Hjördís liked them too and finished hers and a load of potatoes too. I was surprised, how much food could fit into that little person!
To digest all that food we played Kubb, the Viking game. Ladies vs. Gentlemen. Actually it is not easy to hit and throw over these wooden farmers. After playing quite a while (would have been good to have a referee.) and having reached 2:2, we decided to have dinner to recharge our batteries. I think my mum hit most of the farmers in this game; somehow, she managed to throw quite specially. Unfortunately, she couldn't show me how, otherwise we would have won, no question ;-)
Saturday we spent mostly inside, as it was raining quite heavily. We played some games, took care of my old computer and made more space in the bedroom. My dad was sent out to grill our lunch and afterwards we soon started our trip to Vienna.
The rest of the day we were lazy at home and trying to find out, what we actually liked best about the last days.
03.08.2010 18:22
Holiday III
On Sunday we visited "Hohe Wand", which is a naturepark close to Vienna. The first adventure was the very narrow road up to the top. Then we took a short walk to the "Skywalk", a platform reaching out to the sky from the solid rock. As I´m no big hero in big heights, I stayed behind and took some pics of those more courageous than me. There were pilots with their paragliders enjoying the beautiful day too. It was interesting to follow their flight down to their landing place. It looked soooo easy!
Afterwards we went to a trail for kids and Hjördís was our pathfinder. She followed the coloured stones like a pro and of course we were not allowed to overtake. On the way there were different stations like the witches house, playgrounds and some animals in their fences. After a final round on the big playground, we went down the narrow road and home to Vienna.
Monday morning we entered the biggest horsestore in Vienna and spent a lot of time (not only...) there. Then we met a friend for lunch and afterwards my little nephew and my mum in a park. Hjördís and Philip had good fun in the sand, Hjördís building things and Philip taking them down ;-) In the end it was difficult to get her out of the sand and home, it was just too much fun!
Today we had a shopping day, too many stores, I´d say. Then we had a coffee at my gradma´s place (she was happy, that we showed up with nice grocery) and in the evening we visited a friend and her horses close to Tulln.
Hjördís was lucky and got a private show of all the tricks, Philip, the Shetlandpony, can do. And he can do really a lot! He is sitting, laying down, rolling over his trainer, standing up with his trainer on back, picking up things (he loves his ball), sitting in an armchair and his newest trick is, to balance over a wooden pole with his frontlegs. Afterwards Hjördís was allowed to take a ride on him. Well, how can we explain to her, it is not possible to get a Shetlandpony to Iceland???
The next days we´ll spend in the countryside and enjoy the peace there.
31.07.2010 15:31
Holiday II
Today, after doing a bit of shopping (well, that´s neccessary too, don´t you agree?) we spent the afternoon in the oldest zoo of Europe, the Zoo Vienna. I was quite impressed how much had changed and improved for the animals since my last visit. The Orang Utans have a new, much bigger place to stay and the Southamerican animals got a big habitat for themselves, where different birds and mammals stroll around in the same area. It´s quite interesting to see how these different animals interact.
The lemurs were really active today and showed themselves from their best and maybe most interesting side. At least there was a lot of action!
Of course we had to have a look at the giraffes, elephants, seals and the polarbear (this one is waiting to move to a different zoo, so the habitat can be changed and improved).
But the most interesting thing wasn´t an animal! There is a small waterpark, where kids are allowed to play and try out different things to learn about the power of water. If we would have allowed it (and the zoo wouldn´t have closed), I think we´d still be there...
30.07.2010 19:19
Last Sunday we started to Southiceland and took a drive over Kjölur. The road was actually quite bumpy and so we had no chance to listen to all our favourite disks on the way.
Our friend Dagmar offered us a place to stay and so we put up our tent (she actually called it house...) in front of her house. We had a nice time and a lot of nice stuff to eat there ;-)
On Tuesday early in the morning we drove to Keflavik to pick up Hjördís, who was going to come with us. She already was looking forward to this trip for quite some time.
The flight went well, the food was good and so we landed relaxed on Tuesdayafternoon in Vienna. It was good to relax during the afternoon and plan the next days.
Wednesday afternoon we met Martin and Philip in the Museum of Natural History. It is a wonderful place to learn, try out and experience. Have you ever seen a pic of yourself taken with a heatcamera?
We started at the stones, went through the dinosaurs, meet the Flintstones and made our way upstairs from the cells to the insects, amphibians, reptiles, birds and finally mammals. Of course we had a look in the Vivarium, where they show alive fishes, frogs, snakes and birds.
In the evening we made a short visit at Martin´s and Kristina´s place and said "Hello" to their daughter. Philip and Hjördís were really busy with Philip´s cars.
We used the rainy Thursday to pay a visit to "Haus des Meeres", a kind of Indoorzoo. They mainly show reptiles, amphibians, birds and fishes. The main attraction are the 2 Rainforesthouses, where the animals are roaming free between the visitors. Some of the little fellows are already so much used to the visitors, that they come really close and have a good look at you.
Today we went to visit my granddad and had a good look around in his garden. We went for lunch with him and got so much to eat, that we were still not hungry in the evening. But who could say no to a delicious ice-cream???
06.07.2010 07:43
Shock and grief
Words can hardly describe how I feel writing this, who would think about losing what you have longed for for years just in an instant?
When we went to get Hugsun and Muninn on Sunday to bring her to a stallion, everything seemed so normal. But when we arrived at the field, there was no sign of her and her son. So we hoped they would have left the field together. Well, they had not, Ingólfur found them accidentally in a big hole that had opened under them. Hugsun was standing there, the icy water reaching up to her back, Muninn was already dead.
Bensi and Ketill came to help us, getting Hugsun out of the hole. To do that, Ketill and Ingólfur jumped into the hole and put girths around her, Bensi lifted her then with the tractor. We covered her with our jackets to keep a bit of heat in her and went straight to the animalhospital in Húsavík.
Vignir, our vet, was most helpful and came in his holiday to help us trying to save the mare. We fought for her life but all in vain. Her systems started to break down yesterday in the afternoon, so we had to let her go over the rainbowbridge. There she will be on evergreen meadows with her sons Huginn and Muninn, who Óðinn called to his services already earlier.
Hugsun will live on in her 3 daughters Ögn, Ösp and Kátína and of course in our memory.
I want to say thank you to everyone that supported us in that difficult time, kept his fingers crossed, came for a visit and hoped with us. Good to have friends like you!
Here a picture of Hugsun and Muninn the way we want to remember them! A beautiful and proud mother and her beautiful son.
01.07.2010 00:18
Good things take their time...
Last sunday, we were at Þeistareykir with a group of Faröan riders, my phone rang and Hrund, Bensi´s daughter, told me, that Hugsun had given birth to her foal. Hrund spotted it first and asked her mum, if she could call us and tell us the good news. Thanks for that!
Well, when I asked for the colour, she wasn´t sure what to say and not Ella either. It was something grey, most likely the same colour as the mare, which would be Ingólfur´s dreamcolour. Hugsun has had 4 foals, but none of them was silver dapple like she is. So could it have finally happened?
Ingólfur talked to Bensi later that evening and he called it a strange colour he had never seen before. Now it was clear, that the foal was silver dapple like its mother.
We were both happy about these news and of course eager to see this foal.
Tuesday on our way back from Mývatn we stopped by and had a look at Hugsun and her foal. When she saw us, she came and presented her son. He is quite big and really nosy. Will be a challenge to find a good name for him!
19.06.2010 11:15
Vordís foal
Yesterday, when we were coming back from the first tour with Bensi to Þeistareykir, where we brought the sheep to their summerpastures, we decided to use the time and have a look at our mares, that should get their foals soon.
When I started walking over the field, I suddenly saw that there was something white beneath the tail of Vordís and went straight back to get my camera. Ingólfur and Hjördís came too and we were so lucky to watch the birth of Vordís first foal. It is a little black stallion and he´ll get the name Sigtýr, which is a synonym for Óðinn.
Unfortunately Vordís couldn´t get rid of the placenta on her own, so we had to get the vet to take care of that.
Well, it looks like they are doing fine and Vordís has already started to train her son in running over bumpy fields...
Have a look at the pics of the birth in our picture album!