Eldra efni



02.11.2009 12:24


Finally all our horses have started their autumnholiday.
Today we brought List and Ösp to the big field in Bakki, where they are gonna stay with Perla and her foal until we take them into the stable for further training in end of december.
Both had a good look at the sheep that were there and run into freedom afterwards.
We hope they are having a good time there and will come fresh and strong back into training.

01.11.2009 12:34


Our blogg and homepage have not been up to date the last weeks due to a computerproblem.
Unfortunately our harddrive crashed and we have no computer at home to update everything.
We are sorry for the inconvenience and hope our new computer will arrive soon so we can start working again.

21.09.2009 12:44

Tinna is sold!

Tinna frá Hellulandi is sold to Austria, but there are more interesting saleshorses on our page.
We just put some new horses in and there are more to come!
For instance: Randver, a big and good looking spotted gelding. He is easy to handle, calm, tölting and trotting, trustworthy. Short: a good and reliable friend to spend your time off with!
Or are you looking for a future breeding horse? Then Ára could be something for you.
Just have a look at the new saleshorses and don't hesitate to contact us, if you are interested in a horse or look for something special!

14.09.2009 11:04

Göngur & Hraunsrétt 2009

On Thursday and Friday the farmers from Aðaldalur collected their sheep in Þeistareykir and drove them down to the valley on Saturday.
Ingólfur, Bragur and Hugsun went with Bensi, Amor and Stori Jarpur to look for sheep.
Hrund, Maggi and Karin rode from Hólmavað to the meeting point on Saturday and helped driving the sheep over the last mountain to Aðaldalur. Eventhough she is young in years Hrund rode like an Icelandic cowboy and was a big help driving the sheep to the valley.
Bensi was really happy that Móra, his old leadersheep (she is 12 years old!) came back from the mountains. Healthy and looking forward to go home she was always in front of the herd!

On Sunday was "Réttadagur", the sorting day. Around 30 people were helping Bensi and Ella finding their sheep in the big herd of over 4500 individuals. It is always fun to wade through all these sheep and look for markings with the number "45Þ5", which is Bensi's number.
Ingólfur and Bensi took care of the door to the fence where our sheep had to go and they had enough to do to make it clear to "foreign" sheep, that they are not supposed to go into our fence.
I think everybody was tired and happy after dragging sheep in our fence, most of us now marked with a lot of blue spots from all these horns...
Have a look at the pics in our picture albums!

But the biggest surprise held Móra! She'll give birth to one or two lambs during the next weeks!
We are all looking forward to that and hope everything will go fine!

30.08.2009 12:55

Visiting good friends

Finally we managed to go and visit Marietta Maissen and Pétur Behrens at their home in Höskuldsstaðir/Breiðdalur (Easticeland).
Even the trip there was adventurous as we were lucky and a male reindeer crossed the road just in front of us. We had seen it running with the fence next to the road and stopped to take some pictures. At that moment it jumped over the fence and crossed the road!
But that was not the only reindeer to see! There was a young one in a herd of horses at Ketilsstaðir near Egilsstaðir.

Well, it was good to meet Pétur and Marietta after such a long time and we had good and interesting talks about horses, horsebreeding, riding, training horses and so on. Of course we went to have a look at their riding/breedinghorses and took a lot of pics. Just have a look at them in the picture albums.

Now we are waiting for them to finally come and visit us here in Húsavík!

24.08.2009 11:31

Little princess

Perla's marefoal has grown quite a lot during their time away and the little lady is quite lively and really nosy. She has to take a close look at us every time we come and eventhough she doesn't dare to be touched she comes, sniffs our boots or hands or tries to eat the spade we are working with. Her mum has a close eye on her and calls her the moment she's too close for her taste. Nevertheless it will just be a matter of days till we can touch and clap Perla's princess.


23.08.2009 11:16

Gisli's horses

Today we went to help Gisli move his young stallion Stuðlar frá Húsavík (F: Draumur frá Lönguhlið, M: Hrauna frá Húsavík) to a new field and new friends. He is now staying with Bjarni's young stallions and the 3 fellows will have a lot of fun running and playing.

It will be interesting to see how Stuðlar will develop and if he's gonna be Gisli's next first class stallion.

19.08.2009 09:45

Perla & Farsæll

Perla was sonar checked last monday and unfortunately she was not with foal out of Gustur. But according to the vet it was the best time to have her with a stallion so we went to get Farsæll.
Hopefully he'll charm her and we get a nice foal out of this pair next spring.

10.08.2009 09:43

Competition in Einarsstaðir

Saturday and Sunday the annual competition in Einarsstaðir took place. A lot of members of Léttir, the riding club in Akuryrei, took part, many from Þjálfi and some of Grani.
Ingólfur and Bragur signed into Fivegait and Pace. Fivegait didn't go as well as we hoped, but Pace was good and so he got into 7th place of 20 with a time of 8,75. The first run was faster, but Bragur jumped out off pace a few meters before the finish, so they didn't get a time.

Sindri frá Vallanesi and Baldvin Ari won Pace with a time of 8,15 and became second in Fivegait with an overall score of 8,44. Ásdís Helga and Vón frá Árgerði won Fivegait with 8,50 and Tölt with 7,00.

26.07.2009 11:02

Gustur frá Lækjarbakka

Perla and her foal went east to Gustur frá Lækjarbakka. He is a son of Gustur frá Grund and won Landsmót 2008 Youth. We hope to get a beautiful and good foal out of them.

24.07.2009 10:50


Our horses are at the moment in Helluland and we do shorter rides from there through beautiful Aðaldalur and Laxádalur or cross river Laxá to go for a ride through old lava and over beautiful meadows.

We took List and Oríon with us to give them back after their first training as ridinghorses. Ingólfur showed them to Kiddi, both did their job well, tölting and trotting under the rider and are going to their summerholiday now. We hope they'll do fine in their further training!

18.07.2009 00:32

Perla's marefoal

Finally Perla gave birth to her long awaited foal out of Adam frá Ásmundarstöðum.
It's a brown, good looking marefoal. The young lady is not shy at all and it is possible to hold and touch her already. But she is not lacking energy at all as she was showing herself running around like crazy.
We of course used the beautiful evening to take a lot of pics of the foal and the other horses in the field. Hope you enjoy the pics!

14.07.2009 20:56


I have updated the english and german pages about our horses, put new pictures in and changed the textes a bit. I hope you like what you see if you click through it!

12.07.2009 09:22

Empty Blogg

I know our blogg has been really, really empty the last weeks, but the weather is just too good to hang around inside in front of the computer! We have more or less sunshine 24/7 (good to be in the North, no darkness during summer!) and that already for more than 2 weeks!
So we spend our time outside taking riding tours, going for walks, helping friends with the hay but first of all enjoying the wonderful weather as you never know how long it will last.

Our ridinghorses are getting fitter and fitter and not fatter and fatter as they get enough exercise. Just Amor has to loose a bit more weight before he will be really fit.
The youngsters enjoy their life in Hólmavað together with Vaka, her stallionfoal and Perla, who looks like 2 oiltanks as she has not given birth to her foal out of Adam yet. We are really waiting for that foal as all the other mares around, that were in foal with Adam, have their foals already.

Last but not least we have a new companion taking rides with us! Magnús, called Maggi, finally got 2 horses fitting for him and is joining us quite often to go for a ride. He has already learned how to ride with a handhorse and so we can start going on daytours with him! We are all looking forward to that and specially to cross river Laxá!

15.06.2009 19:51


Summer has come to Iceland, the grass is green and growing like crazy. So the time has come to put the youngsters out on their summerpasture in Hólmavað!
Well, it looked like some of them didn't like the idea of being caught and put in a trailer too much. It was no problem to get Kátína and Ösp, but Mímir, Jodís and Alrún wanted to keep their freedom. We managed to get Mímir with a bit of effort, but the other 2...
So Gisli walked Ýndi and his foalmare Stína up to Saltvík. Jodís, Alrún and Stína's foal followed them. When they were in boxes, it was no trouble to get them.
After a short trip with the trailer and deworming, all of them got their freedom back and are now roaming free in the fields in Hólmavað, where they met Perla and Vaka again and got to know Vaka's foal.

We used the opportunity to measure Kátína and Ösp.

Name Measure  Height at withers 
 Ösp (2006)  140cm  ~ 130cm
 Kátína (2007)  143cm  ~ 133cm

As you can see, Kátína is already bigger than her older sister. It will be interesting to see how big she'll be in the end!
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Tölur uppfærðar: 22.1.2025 08:29:01