Eldra efni



27.12.2008 20:50

Christmas Holiday - Day 9

Today we had a look at the fleamarket at "Naschmarkt" and strolled around between fairly old and fairly new things for sale. You can buy nearly everything there from old forks and knifes over paintings to computers and flatscreens... Well, we managed for a change not to buy anything and went to have lunch with my parents, Kristina, Martin and Philip. Then we went for a short walk on the Shoppingstreet, getting the last things wanted/needed and saying Goodbye to my brother and his family.
Home again it was time to pack and go to bed soon as we'd have to get up really early the next morning.

26.12.2008 22:04

Christmas Holiday - Day 8

Today we got up quite early (around 8.30, early enough in a holiday) and got ourselves ready to meet Margit close to St.Pölten. We had a nice chat and suddenly the idea popped up to follow her to her new workingplace in Liezen to have a look at the stable and horses there.
When we arrived we saw a lot of fine looking horses, a new stable and riding hall and a happy Margit (she was soooooooooo surprised that we were willing to follow her!).
After having coffee, a guided tour and playing with Margit´s dog and the cats we were in difficulties to get Hjördís going from there. In the end we managed and drove to Obdach, to meet Ingo´s cousin Hólmdís and her family. Hjördís had a good time training bowling and playing with Thomas, while we were chatting and enjoying delicious dinner and really good "Lebkuchen"-icecream.
The only thing not working out for me today was taking pictures. I simply forgot my camera at home after putting it in a place where I would take it for sure with me...
So: Sorry, no pics from today!

25.12.2008 17:31

Christmas Holiday - Day 7 - Christmas Day

As we were quite late in bed yesterday evening (somebody was definitely quite awake and it was neither Ingólfur nor me) we had a cosy and lazy morning before we went out to eat with my family. Everybody was allowed to choose from a quite long menue and it was difficult to decide between all these delicious things. In the end all three of us had pizza...
Philip had carrots but wasn´t so interested in them and kept his daddy from eating...
Hjördís kept everybody busy drawing and writing into her new book.
Well after having coffee we went to my grandma´s place to have a glass of sparkling vine, cookies and presents. I think Philip got the best thing! A racing car which he probably has to share with his dad and his uncle...
It was really nice to meet everybody and have a good talk!

24.12.2008 20:58

Christmas Holiday - Day 6 - Christmas Eve

Finally, the great day, most of the kids around the world are waiting for, was today!
We had decided to have it as relaxed as possible and spent most of the day at home, playing cards and "4 in a row".
At 4.30 we were invited to celebrate Christmas with my brother´s family, family of Kristina and my family. First we had a glass of prosecco, then some delicous Icelandic salmon, smoked by Bensi and after that we were finally allowed to unwrap our presents! Hjördís had a really big pile of presents and had a good time finding our what was packed in. She got a brandnew riding helmet, horsebrushes, books, clothes and much much more... Hope we are not in trouble about bringing all her things back to Iceland...
Philip got of course a big pile too and it was nice and amusing to see him and his parents unwrapping all the gifts and being photographed doing that all the time.
After a delicious dinner we helped ourselves to christmascookies and had interesting talks about Iceland, Christmas and so on. We were so busy talking that we forgot about time and went home quite late.

23.12.2008 19:27

Christmas Holiday - Day 5

One more night´s sleep, then is Christmas Eve...
After having a nice and relaxed morning we went to have lunch with my parents and enjoyed Spaghetti Bolognese. Then it was good to take a walk up "Meidlinger Hauptstrasse" to finish our Christmas Shopping and have a look at the small Christmasmarket there. Hjördís was invited for a carouselride and of course chose the horse...
Back home we took a short rest before going to Vienna´s biggest Christmasmarket in front of the City Hall.  The City Hall itself is a big Adventcalendar, every window decorated with a picture specially designed for that. The pictures are sold after Christmas and "Licht ins Dunkel" a big Austrian charity event, gets the money out of this sale to use for people in need in Austria.
We had a good time walking over the market and enjoyed "Schnitzelsemmel", "Kartoffelpuffer" and "Toast Langos".

22.12.2008 17:08

Christmas Holiday - Day 4

Day 4 in Vienna and as usual a lot to do! In the morning we had a short walk to "Mariahilfer Strasse" a big shopping street nearby and had a quick look around the shops to find the last presents.
In the afternoon we went to the Zoo to show Hjördís a lot of animals she´s never seen alive before. We started with the Pandabears, which were laying around and digesting, had a look at the young Siberian Tigers eating rabbits, the Lioncubs playing and a lot more. Of course we had to watch the seals being fed and showing their tricks. Unfortunately we could not find the Tarantula, which Hjördís really really really wanted to see.
After that we went to the christmasmarket in front of "Schloss Schönbrunn", had hot chocolate to warm up and a delicous big potatoe with sour cream and other stuff.

21.12.2008 18:57

Christmas Holiday - Day 3

After having a lazy morning we were invited at my parents´ place for my dad´s birthday party. We had fabulous lunch and Hjördís was really eager to get more soup with cut down pancakes called "Fritatten" in German. Philip, my nephew, was there too and had a good look at all these new people he didn´t know. He was busy watching everybody and putting everything he could reach into his mouth. I think everybody just loves this little guy!
In the evening we had a look at another christmasmarket close to my flat. Hjördís was still hungry (after eating 2 soups, 1 main course, a big piece of birthday cake and another soup) so we bought a "Schnitzelsemmel" which disappeared in no time... There were sooooooooo many things to see and buy  and soooooooooo difficult to decide what to take.

20.12.2008 16:47

Christmas Holiday - Day 2

After meeting the huge Shirehorses yesterday, Hjördís met a rather small horse, better said a pony today. Philip, that´s the pony´s name, is a Shetty and vice-boss in his herd. Even the stallion, which is more than double his size, is leaving when Philip is arriving to defend his place.
Philip and his friends live in a stable near Tulln where we went to teach Tina and Renate on Skáti and Kólbakkur. After the lesson and Skáti showing his tricks, we went to a small christmasmarket in Tulln, where Hjördís went for another horsebackride, this time in a carousel. After that the train of course had to be tried too...

19.12.2008 13:33

Christmas Holiday - Day 1

After a long journey from Húsavík to Vienna including a short concert with  Páll Óskar and a longer stop in Stockholm we had a good nightssleep and started to explore Vienna today.
First we went to visit my old school and said "Hello" to the kids and my colleagues. We went there by underground and it was of course really important to have a good look out of the window on the first undergroundride Hjördís took. I think our visit was a nice surprise for everybody and Hjördís got lots of chocolate and even new pens to draw with.
On the way back we took a walk through "Prater", the big amusement park here. Unfortunately most of the attractions are closed during wintertime and so we could just take a few pics with strange figures but didn´t have the possibility to take a ride.
Then we stopped at the christmas market on Karlsplatz and were surprised how many activities they offer for kids! They can take a walk with lamas, go for a ride on ponies, take a ride in a huge horsewagon dragged by 2 huge Shirehorses, make christmas cards and a lot more things. Hjördís was first not so sure about the horses and the strange lamas but in the end she took a lamawalk and even touched the biggest horses she´s ever seen!

15.12.2008 07:07

Horses on the move

As winter goes on here in Iceland, the outsidehorses are regularly checked about their state of fat and moved to other pastures or additionally fed with hey according to that. Yesterday was that day for a herd in Saltvík and our one year old horses were supposed to go to our winterpasture together with Hugsun, Huginn and Alrún.
When we arrived in Saltvík, Bjarni and Elsa were driving in the herd the icelandic way: horses in front (they know the way home) - car in the back. Then the horses were sorted in 2 categories: "fat" and "could use additional hey" and the horseshoes were taken off. Horses from category "fat" went to the pasture in Skógar to help their friends there to get rid off the last grass from summer, the others went back to the big field and get hey there.
While Bjarni and Elsa moved the first horses in their big trailer to Skógar, we went to Bakki to try and catch our young ones. That was definitely easier than we thought! No problem to approach them and put a halter on. Some were of the opinion that they don't have to walk with us on the lead, but just for short time.
Catching them was the easy part but then we had to wait in the cold for Bjarni and the trailer and that was not soooo much fun. I'd have loved to be in my thick winterclothes...
Today we'll have a look how the youngsters are doing alltogether and give them more hey if they have finished what was there.
Púki was really busy again, this time helping Ingólfur looking up addresses in the phonebook...

13.12.2008 19:18

Preparing for Christmas

In perfect winterweather we had a look at our horses and brought them some delicious surprise, píparkökur (Christmas cookies)! As you can see on the pics, everybody was quite eager to get something.

Púki, our budgie, is really willing to help decorating the flat for Christmas and packing in the presents. He has to be where the action is and is sometimes a bit in the way, nosy as he is... At least he has not started to "decorate" the presents with his beak.

07.12.2008 20:30

Visiting our horses in the field

Our horses are all out in the field, some enjoying their autumnbreak, others just to grow up or take care of their foal. They are not in the same field and so we had to take a drive to visit all of them in their special place. Farsæll is with Vignir's and Berglind's stallions and is doing really fine there. Most of the others are in Bakki and they are part of a quite big herd roaming free in a really big fence. They look good and especially Vordís is rather fat... Last but not least Hugsun, Huginn and Alrún are in our winterfence and enjoy their hey, which they don't have to share with the rest of the bunch yet...

06.12.2008 19:49

Farsæll moving out

Finally Farsæll moved out off Saltvík and in with a group of 8 young guys. Vignir and Berglind, the owners of these young stallions, gave their OK to put Farsæll with them in the field, which is just perfect for him. Lots of fresh air, good hey and last but not least a bunch of guys to play with. 
When we arrived, the other young stallions came to the fence to welcome the newcomer. First they had a really good look at him and checked everything out, then the chasing started. They went several circles in the field and stopped a few times to fight a bit. Farsæll of course paid back... When we went, everything looked fine, but we'll have a look tomorrow how they are getting along together.

01.12.2008 21:11

New Saleshorses

There are 2 new saleshorses on our salespage. Bragur, a fivegaited gelding with flying pace, and Árvakur, a young gelding that promises to become a good ridinghorse.

30.11.2008 22:00

Taking pictures with obstacles...

The weather was finally the way it was possible to go to Bjarnastaðir and take pictures of the young stallions and geldings. The young mares are still at a big field down at the sea, so it was not possible to reach them.
When we arrived in Bjarnastaðir, we could see that the youngsters had different plans than we about taking pictures and were on their way up the hill followed by Ella and Dóri. As it was no use following them walking through the high snow Dóri went to get his snowsledge to follow them and drive them in. That worked well and it was a wonderful sight to see them gallopping home!
Then we started to take pics of the stallions/geldings for sale and eventhough it was not easy to walk them to the roundpen, we even did that as you can see!

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