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02.09.2008 07:42
It's quite some time since we blogged last, but the summer was just too good to hang in front of the computer...
After the Northern Exposure Tour in july, we had 1 week off and went for nice rides with our horses and relaxed a bit. Additionally we had to prepare our "Private Specialtour" and get everything ready for meeting Sígrún and her friends.
It was a great tour from Akureyri to Mývatn and Aðaldalur! Just have a look at the pics! Fantastic weather, fantastic horses, great riding tracks and interesting and funny people to be with. In fact, this tour was like holiday for us!
Then it was time for our trip to Austria, meeting family and friends, doing a bit of sightseeing, having a good time! The summer showed itself from it's best side and so it was sunny but too hot for our taste. Nevertheless we had a really good time and took a big bunch of pictures. I had no time yet to go through all of them and put them online, but I'll do that as soon as possible!
When we came back, it was time to start school again... Our summerholidays were way too short!
16.07.2008 11:07
Northern Exposure
You can find them in "Pictures" - "Riding Tours" - "Northern Exposure July 2008"
15.07.2008 10:51
Gisli´s foals
Both are really lively and tried to show them from their best sides, eventhough it was raining when we took pictures.
Have a look at them at "Pictures" - "Horses" - "Gisli´s foals"
14.07.2008 10:45
Perla´s foal
Have a look at the little lady in "Pictures" - "Horses" - "Perla´s foal"
29.06.2008 12:49
Homepage Update
Hekla, who left us in june, was taken out but Vordís and Hugsun's foal, who is named Huginn, were put in.
So have a look!
28.06.2008 14:37
Summerguests from Austria
Unfortunately the weather didn't show itself from the best side, but we had some sunny days.
So far we went Whale Watching, having a good look at huge bluewhales, visited Krafla area, the earthbath in Mývatn area, Akureyri (especially 66°North...) and a lot more.
We hope it was not their last stay with us!
On Monday we'll start our journey south and stay over night in Egilsstaðir, near Höfn and in Skógar. Hope the trip will be nice and we'll see a lot of things, maybe even the monster that is said to live in the big lake near Egilsstaðir. Who knows?
Have a look at the pics!
23.06.2008 23:49
First foal born!
Today Hugsun gave birth to a black stallionfoal out of Geisli frá Sælukoti. The young man is healthy and already greedily drinking from his mum. We hope he'll develop as good as his sister from last year, Kátína, and will become as good and successfull as his father .
Next step will be to find a fitting name...
12.06.2008 14:29
Time to measure
Here the results:
Name | Measure | Height at withers |
Ösp (2006) | 137cm | ~ 127cm |
Kátína (2007) | 135cm | ~ 125cm |
Pjakkur (2007) | 133cm | ~ 123cm |
Farsæll (2007) | 125cm | ~ 115cm |
As you can see Farsæll still has to grow a bit to reach the others. Just have a look at the pic to see the difference between him and Kátína (she´s in the background).
07.06.2008 22:05
Finally time to blogg again!
What was going on?
Hekla and Príma were taken home by their owners. Hekla is on foxhunt right now and Príma is allowed to have holiday till next winter, when we are going on with her training.
Hugsun and Perla were moved to Hólmavað where they should give birth to their foals middle/end of june.
The youngsters are inside at the moment to learn how to be led, picking up hoofes and more. You can believe me that putting on the halter the first time was quite exciting for everybody.
The ridinghorses have been moved to our field where they are staying over summer. I think, they are really happy to be out off the stable...
Then there were these ladies' ridinglessons in Saltvík, which were really good fun and the ladies enjoyed being on horseback quite a lot.
Today was Firmakeppni of the local ridingclub Grani. A lot of kids and grownups were competing. Gisli Haraldson on Kamban frá Húsavík was the winner. Ingólfur and Bragur landed in the 3rd seat, Karin and Vordís were in the group of the 8 best riders/horses. But best about this competition were the hot waffers afterwards

03.04.2008 12:23
Work in progress
We'll use this opportunity to renew the pages about our horses and at least the english pages should work already.
We do our best to make the page work as it was before as soon as possible.
21.03.2008 10:50
Well, we first had to get a car and a horsetrailer and then go to Einarsstaðir. Gisli allowed us to use his stablecar (old Toyota Hilux, bit powerless...) and we could use Einar's old trailer. On the slow journey south (Hilux is no racing car) we took a break and visited Gumi in Garður, had coffee and waited for Hans to call.
When the call came, we continued the drive and where a bit in front of him at the meeting place. Vordís was definitely not stressed by the drive and had a good look around, before we put her in our trailer. We took another mare, that was in Training with Hans, back to her owner and stopped in Hraunkot to take Príma, a buckskin mare, who is sister of Ögn, with us as Ingólfur is starting to train her too.
Well, we put the mares together in a box in Saltvík and it looks like everything is going fine with them. At least they didn't fight over their food...
Hope we'll have a good time together!
19.03.2008 10:44
Clipping the sheep
By the way: even if Bensi wouldn't take the wool off, the sheep would loose it on their own. Icelandic sheep still grow winter and summer fur, not like most of the other breeds, which keep their wool and would just grow more and more, if you don't take it off. There are a few pics of Bensi's old ram, who was not clipped and is loosing his wool on his own at the moment.
16.03.2008 12:18
Trip to the East
On the trip east we came into reindeerland, which was marked with road signs to prepare drivers for unexpected road-crossers.
Lucky as we are we really saw reindeer relaxing quite close to the road but unfortunately there was so much traffic we couldn´t stop and take pictures...
But we had a few wonderful views over the sea and fjords on the drive as the "shortcut" over the mountain was closed due to the amount of snow.
We were heartly welcomed in Höskuldsstaðir and had a look at the stable and the horses. Marietta showed us the mare they were offering us and then we tried her inside, which went really well and I have to admitt, that Vordís is excellent trained and really easy and soft on the reins.
Sunday we slept quite long and then took a short walk to the house in wonderful weather. The sun was shining, no wind and quite warm.
So we decided to use the good circumstances and try Vordís outside too. That went just fine, she was really relaxed and not even scared of the big tube under the road that is usually frightening the horses a bit. After this good ride we had a nice beer outside the house in the warm sunshine... Just perfect!
Well, as everything went just fine with Vordís, she´s going to be member of our herd and will arrive during this week. We are looking forward to have her here!
13.03.2008 12:40
Hair, hair everywhere!
Hope they'll finish soon...
10.03.2008 11:19
Our tulips and other springflowers try to make a breakthrough and have started growing. I hope they are successful and flower soon. In the meantime we have some nice flowers inside and greet the spring and coming Easter like that! The only trouble is to keep Púki and Grettir away from the flowers... They have started to explore the table and nothing is save from their little beaks.